Source code for aiida_crystal17.symmetry.symmetry

A module for computing the symmetry of an AiiDA StructureData object.

When computing symmetry, atomic sites with the same **Kind** are treated as
symmetrically equivalent (rather than just the atomic elements).

Currently only 3D structures are considered.

NB: this module is not specific to CRYSTAL,
and may be move to a separate package at a later date
from textwrap import dedent
from ase import Atoms
from ase.symbols import symbols2numbers
import numpy as np
import spglib

from aiida_crystal17 import __version__

[docs]def structure_info(structure, max_srows=None, round_dp=4): """get a formatted string, with information about a StructureData cell and sites Parameters ---------- structure : aiida.StructureData max_srows : None or int limit the number of site lines returned round_dp : int round numbers to n decimal places Returns ------- str """ a, b, c = structure.cell_lengths l, m, n = structure.cell_angles cell = [item for sublist in np.round(structure.cell, round_dp) for item in sublist] pa, pb, pc = structure.pbc header = dedent("""\ StructureData Summary Lattice abc : {0:5.4} {1:5.4} {2:5.4} angles : {3:5.4} {4:5.4} {5:5.4} volume : {6:5.4} pbc : {7} {8} {9} A : {10:5.4} {11:5.4} {12:5.4} B : {13:5.4} {14:5.4} {15:5.4} C : {16:5.4} {17:5.4} {18:5.4} Kind Symbols Position ---- ------- -------- """.format(a, b, c, l, m, n, structure.get_cell_volume(), pa, pb, pc, *cell)) slines = [] for site in structure.sites: name = site.kind_name kind = structure.get_kind(name) slines.append( "{0:5} {1:7} {2:<7.4} {3:<7.4} {4:<7.4}".format( name, kind.get_symbols_string(), *np.round(site.position, round_dp))) if max_srows is not None: if len(slines) > max_srows: slines = slines[:max_srows] + ["..."] return header + "\n".join(slines)
[docs]def reset_kind_names(structure, kind_names): """reset the kind names (per site) of a StructureData node Parameters ---------- structure : aiida.StructureData kind_names : list[str] a name for each site of the structure Returns ------- aiida.StructureData a cloned node Raises ------ AssertionError if the kind_names are not compatible with the current sites """ from import Kind, Site if len(structure.sites) != len(kind_names): raise AssertionError("lengths of sites & names not equal") sites = structure.sites kinds = { k for k in structure.kinds} structure = structure.clone() structure.clear_sites() structure.clear_kinds() new_kinds = {} for site, name in zip(sites, kind_names): if name not in new_kinds: kind_dict = kinds[site.kind_name].get_raw() kind_dict["name"] = name new_kind = Kind(raw=kind_dict) structure.append_kind(new_kind) new_kinds[name] = new_kind old_symbols = kinds[site.kind_name].symbols new_symbols = new_kinds[name].symbols if old_symbols != new_symbols: raise AssertionError( "inconsistent symbols: {} != {}".format( old_symbols, new_symbols)) new_site = Site(kind_name=name, position=site.position) structure.append_site(new_site) return structure
[docs]def frac_to_cartesian(lattice, fcoords): """convert fractional coordinates to cartesian coordinates Parameters ---------- lattice: list 3x3 array of lattice vectors fcoords: list Nx3 array of fractional coordinate Returns ------- list: Nx3 array of cartesian coordinate """ return np.einsum("ij, jk -> ik", fcoords, lattice).tolist()
[docs]def cartesian_to_frac(lattice, ccoords): """convert cartesian coordinates to fractional coordinates Parameters ---------- lattice: list 3x3 array of lattice vectors ccoords: list Nx3 array of cartesian coordinate Returns ------- list: Nx3 array of fractional coordinate """ return np.linalg.solve(np.array(lattice).T, np.array(ccoords).T).T.tolist()
[docs]def prepare_for_spglib(structure): """ prepare an AiiDa Structure for parsing to spglib, labelling sites with the same **Kind** as equivalent Parameters ---------- structure: aiida.StructureData Returns ------- tuple: cell (lattice, fcoords, inequivalent) dict: int2kind_map maps integer values in inequivalent list to AiiDa Kind objects """ structure = convert_structure(structure, "aiida") lattice = structure.cell ccoords = [s.position for s in structure.sites] fcoords = cartesian_to_frac(lattice, ccoords) kind2int_map = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(structure.get_kind_names())} int2kind_map = {i: name for name, i in kind2int_map.items()} inequivalent = [kind2int_map[name] for name in structure.get_site_kindnames()] return (lattice, fcoords, inequivalent), int2kind_map
[docs]def compute_symmetry_dataset(structure, symprec, angle_tolerance): """ compute the symmetry of a Structure, with periodic boundary conditions in all axes, using spglib. When computing symmetry, atomic sites with the same **Kind** are treated as symmetrically equivalent (rather than just the atomic elements). Parameters ---------- structure: aiida.StructureData symprec: float Symmetry search tolerance in the unit of length. angle_tolerance: float or None Symmetry search tolerance in the unit of angle degrees. If the value is negative or None, an internally optimized routine is used to judge symmetry. Returns ------- dataset: dict spglib symmetry dataset """ cell, int2kind_map = prepare_for_spglib(structure) dataset = spglib.get_symmetry_dataset( cell, symprec=symprec, angle_tolerance=-1 if angle_tolerance is None else angle_tolerance) return dataset
[docs]def compute_symmetry_dict(structure, symprec, angle_tolerance): """ compute the symmetry of a Structure, with periodic boundary conditions in all axes, using spglib When computing symmetry, atomic sites with the same **Kind** are treated as symmetrically equivalent (rather than just the atomic elements). Parameters ---------- structure: aiida.StructureData symprec: float Symmetry search tolerance in the unit of length. angle_tolerance: float or None Symmetry search tolerance in the unit of angle degrees. If the value is negative or None, an internally optimized routine is used to judge symmetry. Returns ------- dict: data required to create an AiiDA SymmetryData object """ cell, int2kind_map = prepare_for_spglib(structure) dataset = spglib.get_symmetry_dataset( cell, symprec=symprec, angle_tolerance=-1 if angle_tolerance is None else angle_tolerance) operations = [] for rotation, trans in zip(dataset["rotations"], dataset["translations"]): operations.append(rotation.flatten().tolist() + trans.tolist()) data = { "hall_number": dataset["hall_number"], "basis": "fractional", "operations": operations, "equivalent_sites": dataset["equivalent_atoms"].tolist(), "computation": { "symmetry_program": "spglib", "symmetry_version": spglib.__version__, "computation_class": __name__, "computation_version": __version__, "symprec": symprec, "angle_tolerance": angle_tolerance } } return data
[docs]def get_hall_number_from_symmetry(operations, basis="fractional", lattice=None, symprec=1e-5): """obtain the Hall number from the symmetry operations Parameters ---------- operations: list Nx12 flattened list of symmetry operations basis: str "fractional" or "cartesian" Returns ------- int """ if basis == "cartesian": operations = operations_cart_to_frac(operations, lattice) elif basis != "fractional": raise ValueError("basis should be cartesian or fractional") rotations = [[o[0:3], o[3:6], o[6:9]] for o in operations] translations = [o[9:12] for o in operations] return spglib.get_hall_number_from_symmetry( rotations, translations, symprec=symprec)
[docs]def find_primitive(structure, symprec, angle_tolerance): """ compute the primitive cell for an AiiDA structure When computing symmetry, atomic sites with the same **Kind** are treated as symmetrically equivalent (rather than just the atomic elements). Parameters ---------- structure: aiida.StructureData symprec: float Symmetry search tolerance in the unit of length. angle_tolerance: float or None Symmetry search tolerance in the unit of angle degrees. If the value is negative, an internally optimized routine is used to judge symmetry. Returns ------- aiida.StructureData """ from import Site structure = convert_structure(structure, "aiida") cell, int2kind_map = prepare_for_spglib(structure) new_cell = spglib.find_primitive( cell, symprec=symprec, angle_tolerance=-1 if angle_tolerance is None else angle_tolerance) if new_cell is None: raise ValueError("standardization of cell failed") new_structure = structure.clone() new_structure.clear_sites() new_structure.cell = new_cell[0].tolist() positions = frac_to_cartesian(new_structure.cell, new_cell[1]) for position, eid in zip(positions, new_cell[2].tolist()): new_structure.append_site( Site(kind_name=int2kind_map[eid], position=position)) return new_structure
[docs]def standardize_cell(structure, symprec, angle_tolerance, to_primitive=False, no_idealize=False): """ compute the standardised cell for an AiiDA structure When computing symmetry, atomic sites with the same **Kind** are treated as symmetrically equivalent (rather than just the atomic elements). Parameters ---------- structure: aiida.StructureData to_primitive: bool If True, the standardized primitive cell is created. no_idealize: bool If True, it is disabled to idealize lengths and angles of basis vectors and positions of atoms according to crystal symmetry. symprec: float Symmetry search tolerance in the unit of length. angle_tolerance: float or None Symmetry search tolerance in the unit of angle degrees. If the value is negative or None, an internally optimized routine is used to judge symmetry. Returns ------- aiida.StructureData """ from import Site structure = convert_structure(structure, "aiida") cell, int2kind_map = prepare_for_spglib(structure) new_cell = spglib.standardize_cell( cell, to_primitive=to_primitive, no_idealize=no_idealize, symprec=symprec, angle_tolerance=-1 if angle_tolerance is None else angle_tolerance) if new_cell is None: raise ValueError("standardization of cell failed") new_structure = structure.clone() new_structure.clear_sites() new_structure.cell = new_cell[0].tolist() positions = frac_to_cartesian(new_structure.cell, new_cell[1]) for position, eid in zip(positions, new_cell[2].tolist()): new_structure.append_site( Site(kind_name=int2kind_map[eid], position=position)) return new_structure
[docs]def get_crystal_system_name(sg_number): """Get the crystal system for the structure from the space group number Parameters ---------- sg_number: int the spacegroup number Returns ------- crystal_system: str Crystal system for structure """ def in_range(i, j): return i <= sg_number <= j cs = { "triclinic": (1, 2), "monoclinic": (3, 15), "orthorhombic": (16, 74), "tetragonal": (75, 142), "trigonal": (143, 167), "hexagonal": (168, 194), "cubic": (195, 230) } crystal_system = None for name, (min_group, max_group) in cs.items(): if in_range(min_group, max_group): crystal_system = name break if crystal_system is None: raise ValueError( "could not find crystal system of space group number: {}".format( sg_number)) return crystal_system
[docs]def get_lattice_type_name(sg_number): """Get the lattice type for the structure from the space group This is the same as crystal system name, with the exception of the trigonal -> hexagonal or rhombohedral Parameters ---------- sg_number: int the spacegroup number Returns ------- lattice_type: str Crystal lattice for the structure """ system = get_crystal_system_name(sg_number) if sg_number in [146, 148, 155, 160, 161, 166, 167]: return "rhombohedral" elif system == "trigonal": return "hexagonal" return system
[docs]def operation_frac_to_cart(lattice, rotation, translation): """convert a single symmetry operation from fractional to cartesian Parameters ---------- lattice: list 3x3 matrix of lattice vectors (a, b, c) rotation: list 3x3 rotation matrix translation: list 3x1 translation vector Returns ------- rotation: list 3x3 rotation matrix translation: list 3x1 translation vector """ lattice_tr = np.transpose(lattice) lattice_tr_inv = np.linalg.inv(lattice_tr) rotation =,, lattice_tr_inv)).tolist() translation =, lattice).tolist() return rotation, translation
[docs]def operations_frac_to_cart(operations, lattice): """convert a list of fractional symmetry operations to cartesian Parameters ---------- operations: list Nx9 array, representing each symmetry operation as a flattened list; (r00, r01, r02, r10, r11, r12, r20, r21, r22, t0, t1, t2) lattice: list 3x3 matrix (a, b, c) Returns ------- list: Nx9 array of operations """ cart_ops = [] for op in operations: rot = [op[0:3], op[3:6], op[6:9]] trans = op[9:12] rot, trans = operation_frac_to_cart(lattice, rot, trans) cart_ops.append(rot[0] + rot[1] + rot[2] + trans) return cart_ops
[docs]def operation_cart_to_frac(lattice, rotation, translation): """convert a single symmetry operation from cartesian to fractional Parameters ---------- lattice: list 3x3 matrix of lattice vectors (a, b, c) rotation: list 3x3 rotation matrix translation: list 3x1 translation vector Returns ------- rotation: list 3x3 rotation matrix translation: list 3x1 translation vector """ lattice_tr = np.transpose(lattice) lattice_tr_inv = np.linalg.inv(lattice_tr) rot =,, lattice_tr)).tolist() trans =, np.linalg.inv(lattice)).tolist() return rot, trans
[docs]def operations_cart_to_frac(operations, lattice): """convert a list of cartesian symmetry operations to fractional Parameters ---------- operations: list Nx9 array, representing each symmetry operation as a flattened list; (r00, r01, r02, r10, r11, r12, r20, r21, r22, t0, t1, t2) lattice: list 3x3 matrix (a, b, c) Returns ------- list: Nx9 array of operations """ frac_ops = [] for op in operations: rot = [op[0:3], op[3:6], op[6:9]] trans = op[9:12] rot, trans = operation_cart_to_frac(lattice, rot, trans) frac_ops.append(rot[0] + rot[1] + rot[2] + trans) return frac_ops
[docs]def operation_to_affine(operation): """ create a 4x4 affine transformation matrix, from a flattened symmetry operation Parameters ---------- operation: list representing symmetry operation as a flattened list; (r00, r01, r02, r10, r11, r12, r20, r21, r22, t0, t1, t2) Returns ------- list: 4x4 array """ if not len(operation) == 12: raise ValueError("operation should be of length 12") affine_matrix = np.eye(4) affine_matrix[0:3][:, 0:3] = [ operation[0:3], operation[3:6], operation[6:9]] affine_matrix[0:3][:, 3] = operation[9:12] return affine_matrix
[docs]def affine_to_operation(affine_matrix): """ create a flattened symmetry operation, from a 4x4 affine transformation matrix Parameters ---------- affine_matrix: list 4x4 affine transformation Returns ------- list: representing symmetry operation as a flattened list; (r00, r01, r02, r10, r11, r12, r20, r21, r22, t0, t1, t2) """ affine_matrix = np.array(affine_matrix) rotation = affine_matrix[0:3][:, 0:3].flatten().tolist() translation = affine_matrix[0:3][:, 3].tolist() return rotation + translation
[docs]def convert_structure(structure, out_type): """convert an AiiDA, ASE or dict object to another type Parameters ---------- structure: aiida.StructureData or dict or ase.Atoms out_type: str one of: 'dict', 'ase' or 'aiida """ from aiida.plugins import DataFactory from import Site, Kind structure_data_cls = DataFactory('structure') if isinstance(structure, dict): if "symbols" in structure and "atomic_numbers" not in structure: structure["atomic_numbers"] = symbols2numbers(structure["symbols"]) if ("fcoords" in structure and "lattice" in structure and "ccoords" not in structure): structure["ccoords"] = frac_to_cartesian( structure["lattice"], structure["fcoords"]) required_keys = ["pbc", "lattice", "ccoords", "atomic_numbers"] if not set(structure.keys()).issuperset(required_keys): raise AssertionError( "dict keys are not a superset of: {}".format(required_keys)) if out_type == "dict": if isinstance(structure, dict): return structure if isinstance(structure, structure_data_cls): return structure_to_dict(structure) if isinstance(structure, Atoms): return { "pbc": structure.pbc.tolist(), "atomic_numbers": structure.get_atomic_numbers().tolist(), "ccoords": structure.positions.tolist(), "lattice": structure.cell.tolist(), "equivalent": structure.get_tags().tolist() } raise TypeError("structure: {}".format(structure)) elif out_type == "ase": if isinstance(structure, Atoms): return structure if isinstance(structure, structure_data_cls): return structure.get_ase() if isinstance(structure, dict): return Atoms( numbers=structure["atomic_numbers"], cell=structure["lattice"], positions=structure["ccoords"], pbc=structure["pbc"], tags=structure.get("equivalent", None)) raise TypeError("structure: {}".format(structure)) elif out_type == "aiida": if isinstance(structure, structure_data_cls): return structure if isinstance(structure, Atoms): return structure_data_cls(ase=structure) if isinstance(structure, dict): if structure.get("kinds") is not None: struct = structure_data_cls(cell=structure['lattice']) struct.set_pbc(structure["pbc"]) for kind, ccoord in zip(structure["kinds"], structure['ccoords']): if not isinstance(kind, Kind): kind = Kind(raw=kind) if not in struct.get_site_kindnames(): struct.append_kind(kind) struct.append_site(Site( position=ccoord, return struct else: atoms = Atoms( numbers=structure["atomic_numbers"], cell=structure["lattice"], positions=structure["ccoords"], pbc=structure["pbc"], tags=structure.get("equivalent", None)) return structure_data_cls(ase=atoms) raise ValueError("out_type: {}".format(out_type))
[docs]def structure_to_dict(structure): """create a dictionary of structure properties per atom Parameters ---------- structure: aiida.StructureData the input structure Returns ------- dict: dictionary containing; lattice, atomic_numbers, ccoords, pbc, kinds, equivalent """ from aiida.common.exceptions import InputValidationError for kind in structure.kinds: if kind.is_alloy: raise InputValidationError( "Kind '{}' is an alloy. This is not allowed for CRYSTAL input structures." "".format( if kind.has_vacancies: raise InputValidationError( "Kind '{}' has vacancies. This is not allowed for CRYSTAL input structures." "".format( kindname_symbol_map = { kind.symbols[0] for kind in structure.kinds } kindname_id_map = { i for i, kind in enumerate(structure.kinds)} id_kind_map = {i: kind for i, kind in enumerate(structure.kinds)} kind_names = [site.kind_name for site in structure.sites] symbols = [kindname_symbol_map[name] for name in kind_names] equivalent = [kindname_id_map[name] for name in kind_names] kinds = [id_kind_map[e] for e in equivalent] sdata = { "lattice": structure.cell, "atomic_numbers": symbols2numbers(symbols), "ccoords": [site.position for site in structure.sites], "pbc": structure.pbc, "equivalent": equivalent, "kinds": kinds, } return sdata