Source code for aiida_crystal17.parsers.raw.inputd12_write

module to write CRYSTAL17 .d12 files
import six
from aiida_crystal17.common import get_keys
from aiida_crystal17.validation import validate_against_schema

# TODO check float format and rounding, e.g. "{}".format(0.00001) -> 1e-05, can CRYSTAL handle that?

# TODO SHRINK where IS=0 and IS1 IS2 IS3 given

# TODO RESTART (need to provide files from previous remote folder)

# TODO incompatability tests e.g. using ATOMSPIN without SPIN (and spin value of SPINLOCK)

# TODO look at to see if anything can be used

[docs]def format_value(dct, keys): """return the value + a new line, or empty string if keys not found""" value = get_keys(dct, keys, None) if value is None: return "" if isinstance(value, dict): outstr = "" for keyword in sorted(value.keys()): args = value[keyword] if isinstance(args, bool): if args: outstr += "{}\n".format(keyword) elif isinstance(args, (list, tuple)): outstr += "{0}\n{1}\n".format(keyword, " ".join([str(a) for a in args])) else: outstr += "{0}\n{1}\n".format(keyword, args) return outstr return "{}\n".format(value)
[docs]def write_input(indict, basis_sets, atom_props=None): """write input of a validated input dictionary Parameters ---------- indict: dict dictionary of inputs basis_sets: list list of basis set strings or objects with `content` property atom_props: dict or None atom ids with specific properties; "spin_alpha", "spin_beta", "unfixed", "ghosts" Returns ------- str """ # validation validate_against_schema(indict, "inputd12.schema.json") if not basis_sets: raise ValueError("there must be at least one basis set") elif not all([isinstance(b, six.string_types) or hasattr(b, "content") for b in basis_sets]): raise ValueError("basis_sets must be either all strings" "or all objects with a `content` property") if atom_props is None: atom_props = {} if not set(atom_props.keys()).issubset( ["spin_alpha", "spin_beta", "unfixed", "ghosts"]): raise ValueError( "atom_props should only contain: " "'spin_alpha', 'spin_beta', 'unfixed', 'ghosts'" ) # validate that a index isn't in both spin_alpha and spin_beta allspin = atom_props.get("spin_alpha", []) + atom_props.get( "spin_beta", []) if len(set(allspin)) != len(allspin): raise ValueError( "a kind cannot be in both spin_alpha and spin_beta: {}".format( allspin)) outstr = "" # Title title = get_keys(indict, ["title"], "CRYSTAL run") outstr += "{}\n".format(" ".join(title.splitlines())) # must be one line outstr = _geometry_block(outstr, indict, atom_props) outstr = _basis_set_block(outstr, indict, basis_sets, atom_props) outstr = _hamiltonian_block(outstr, indict, atom_props) return outstr
def _hamiltonian_block(outstr, indict, atom_props): # Hamiltonian Optional Keywords outstr += format_value(indict, ["scf", "single"]) # DFT Optional Block if get_keys(indict, ["scf", "dft"], False): outstr += "DFT\n" xc = get_keys(indict, ["scf", "dft", "xc"], raise_error=True) if isinstance(xc, (tuple, list)): if len(xc) == 2: outstr += "CORRELAT\n" outstr += "{}\n".format(xc[0]) outstr += "EXCHANGE\n" outstr += "{}\n".format(xc[1]) else: outstr += format_value(indict, ["scf", "dft", "xc"]) if get_keys(indict, ["scf", "dft", "SPIN"], False): outstr += "SPIN\n" outstr += format_value(indict, ["scf", "dft", "grid"]) outstr += format_value(indict, ["scf", "dft", "grid_weights"]) outstr += format_value(indict, ["scf", "dft", "numerical"]) outstr += "END\n" # # K-POINTS (SHRINK\nPMN Gilat) k_is, k_isp = get_keys(indict, ["scf", "k_points"], raise_error=True) outstr += "SHRINK\n" if isinstance(k_is, int): outstr += "{0} {1}\n".format(k_is, k_isp) else: outstr += "0 {0}\n".format(k_isp) outstr += "{0} {1} {2}\n".format(k_is[0], k_is[1], k_is[2]) # RESTART if get_keys(indict, ["scf", "GUESSP"], False): outstr += "GUESSP\n" # ATOMSPIN spins = [] for anum in atom_props.get("spin_alpha", []): spins.append((anum, 1)) for anum in atom_props.get("spin_beta", []): spins.append((anum, -1)) if spins: outstr += "ATOMSPIN\n" outstr += "{}\n".format(len(spins)) for anum, spin in sorted(spins): outstr += "{0} {1}\n".format(anum, spin) # SCF/Other Optional Keywords outstr += format_value(indict, ["scf", "numerical"]) outstr += format_value(indict, ["scf", "fock_mixing"]) outstr += format_value(indict, ["scf", "spinlock"]) for keyword in sorted(get_keys(indict, ["scf", "post_scf"], [])): outstr += "{}\n".format(keyword) # Hamiltonian and SCF End outstr += "END\n" return outstr def _geometry_block(outstr, indict, atom_props): # Geometry outstr += "EXTERNAL\n" # we assume external geometry # Geometry Optional Keywords (including optimisation) for keyword in get_keys(indict, ["geometry", "info_print"], []): outstr += "{}\n".format(keyword) for keyword in get_keys(indict, ["geometry", "info_external"], []): outstr += "{}\n".format(keyword) if indict.get("geometry", {}).get("optimise", False): outstr += "OPTGEOM\n" outstr += format_value(indict, ["geometry", "optimise", "type"]) unfixed = atom_props.get("unfixed", []) if unfixed: outstr += "FRAGMENT\n" outstr += "{}\n".format(len(unfixed)) outstr += " ".join([str(a) for a in sorted(unfixed)]) + "\n" outstr += format_value(indict, ["geometry", "optimise", "hessian"]) outstr += format_value(indict, ["geometry", "optimise", "gradient"]) for keyword in sorted(get_keys( indict, ["geometry", "optimise", "info_print"], [])): outstr += "{}\n".format(keyword) outstr += format_value(indict, ["geometry", "optimise", "convergence"]) outstr += "ENDOPT\n" # Geometry End outstr += "END\n" return outstr def _basis_set_block(outstr, indict, basis_sets, atom_props): # Basis Sets if isinstance(basis_sets[0], six.string_types): outstr += "\n".join([basis_set.strip() for basis_set in basis_sets]) else: outstr += "\n".join( [basis_set.content.strip() for basis_set in basis_sets]) outstr += "\n99 0\n" # GHOSTS ghosts = atom_props.get("ghosts", []) if ghosts: outstr += "GHOSTS\n" outstr += "{}\n".format(len(ghosts)) outstr += " ".join([str(a) for a in sorted(ghosts)]) + "\n" # Basis Sets Optional Keywords outstr += format_value(indict, ["basis_set"]) # Basis Sets End outstr += "END\n" return outstr
[docs]def create_atom_properties(structure, kinds_data=None): """ create dict of properties for each atom :param structure: ``StructureData`` :param kinds_data: ``KindData`` atom kind data for each atom :return: dict of atom properties :rtype: dict """ if kinds_data is None: return { "spin_alpha": [], "spin_beta": [], "ghosts": [] } if set( != set(structure.get_kind_names()): raise AssertionError( "kind names are different for structure data and kind data: " "{0} != {1}".format(set(structure.get_kind_names()), set( atom_props = { "spin_alpha": [], "spin_beta": [], "fixed": [], "unfixed": [], "ghosts": [] } kind_dict = kinds_data.kind_dict for i, kind_name in enumerate(structure.get_site_kindnames()): if kind_dict[kind_name].get("spin_alpha", False): atom_props["spin_alpha"].append(i + 1) if kind_dict[kind_name].get("spin_beta", False): atom_props["spin_beta"].append(i + 1) if kind_dict[kind_name].get("ghost", False): atom_props["ghost"].append(i + 1) if kind_dict[kind_name].get("fixed", False): atom_props["fixed"].append(i + 1) if not kind_dict[kind_name].get("fixed", False): atom_props["unfixed"].append(i + 1) # we only need unfixed if there are fixed if not atom_props.pop("fixed"): atom_props.pop("unfixed") return atom_props