Source code for aiida_crystal17.common.dict_funcs

from collections import Mapping
import json
from textwrap import wrap
from jsonextended import edict

[docs]def unflatten_dict(indict, delimiter="."): return edict.unflatten(indict, key_as_tuple=False, delim=delimiter)
[docs]def flatten_dict(indict, delimiter="."): return edict.flatten(indict, key_as_tuple=False, sep=delimiter)
[docs]def get_keys(dct, keys, default=None, raise_error=False): """retrieve the leaf of a key path from a dictionary :param dct: the dict to search :param keys: key path :param default: default value to return :param raise_error: whether to raise an error if the path isn't found :return: """ subdct = dct for i, key in enumerate(keys): try: subdct = subdct[key] except (KeyError, IndexError): if raise_error: raise ValueError("could not find key path: {}".format( keys[0:i + 1])) else: return default return subdct
[docs]def map_nested_dicts(ob, func, apply_lists=False): """ map a function on to all values of a nested dictionary """ if isinstance(ob, Mapping): return {k: map_nested_dicts(v, func, apply_lists) for k, v in ob.items()} elif apply_lists and isinstance(ob, (list, tuple)): return [map_nested_dicts(v, func, apply_lists) for v in ob] else: return func(ob)
[docs]def recursive_round(dct, dp): """ recursively apply the `round` function to all floats in a dict""" def _round(value): if isinstance(value, float): value = round(value, dp) return value return map_nested_dicts(dct, _round, True)
[docs]class BuilderEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
[docs] def default(self, obj): try: return dict(obj) except TypeError: pass return wrap(str(obj))
[docs]def display_json(builder, indent=2): """ pretty print a dictionary object in a Jupyter Notebook """ from IPython.display import display_markdown return display_markdown( "```json\n{}\n```".format( json.dumps(builder, cls=BuilderEncoder, indent=indent)), raw=True)