aiida_crystal17.parsers.geometry module

This module deals with reading/creating .gui files for use with the EXTERNAL keyword

File Format

dimesionality origin_setting crystal_type energy(optional)
    a_x a_y a_z
    b_x b_y b_z
    c_x c_y c_z
num_symm_ops (in cartesian coordinates)
    op1_rot_00 op1_rot_01 op1_rot_02
    op1_rot_10 op1_rot_11 op1_rot_12
    op1_rot_20 op1_rot_21 op1_rot_22
    op1_trans_0 op1_trans_1 op1_trans_2
num_atoms (if cryversion<17 irreducible atoms only)
    atomic_number x y z (in cartesian coordinates)
space_group_int_num num_symm_ops

convert ase.Atoms to struct dict

Return structdict:
 dict containing ‘lattice’, ‘atomic_numbers’, ‘pbc’, ‘ccoords’, ‘equivalent’
aiida_crystal17.parsers.geometry.cart2frac(lattice, ccoords)[source]

a function that takes the cell parameters, in angstrom, and a list of Cartesian coordinates and returns the structure in fractional coordinates

aiida_crystal17.parsers.geometry.compute_symmetry_3d(structdata, standardize, primitive, idealize, symprec, angletol)[source]

create 3d geometry input for CRYSTAL17

  • structdata – “lattice”, “atomic_numbers”, “ccoords”, “pbc” and (optionally) “equivalent”
  • standardize – whether to standardize the structure
  • primitive – whether to create a primitive structure
  • idealize – whether to idealize the structure
  • symprec – symmetry precision to parse to spglib
  • angletol – angletol to parse to spglib

(structdata, symmdata)

aiida_crystal17.parsers.geometry.crystal17_gui_string(structdata, symmdata, fractional_ops=True)[source]

create string of gui file content (for CRYSTAL17)

  • structdata – dictionary of structure data with keys: ‘pbc’, ‘atomic_numbers’, ‘ccoords’, ‘lattice’
  • symmdata – dictionary of symmetry data with keys: ‘crystal_type’, ‘centring_code’, ‘space_group’, ‘operations’
  • fractional_ops – whether the symmetry operations are in fractional coordinates

aiida_crystal17.parsers.geometry.dict_to_structure(structdict, logger=None)[source]

create a dictionary of structure properties per atom

Param:dictionary containing; ‘lattice’, ‘atomic_numbers’ (or ‘symbols’), ‘ccoords’, ‘pbc’, ‘kinds’, ‘equivalent’
Parameters:logger – a logger with a warning method
Return structure:
 the input structure
Rtype structure:
aiida_crystal17.parsers.geometry.frac2cart(lattice, fcoords)[source]

a function that takes the cell parameters, in angstrom, and a list of fractional coordinates and returns the structure in cartesian coordinates

aiida_crystal17.parsers.geometry.get_centering_code(sg_number, sg_symbol)[source]

get crystal centering codes, to convert from primitive to conventional

  • sg_number – the space group number
  • sg_symbol – the space group symbol

CRYSTAL centering code

aiida_crystal17.parsers.geometry.get_crystal_system(sg_number, as_number=False)[source]

Get the crystal system for the structure, e.g., (triclinic, orthorhombic, cubic, etc.) from the space group number

  • sg_number – the spacegroup number
  • as_number – return the system as a number (recognized by CRYSTAL) or a str

Crystal system for structure or None if system cannot be detected.


Get the lattice for the structure, e.g., (triclinic, orthorhombic, cubic, etc.).This is the same than the crystal system with the exception of the hexagonal/rhombohedral lattice

Parameters:sg_number – space group number
Returns:Lattice type for structure or None if type cannot be detected.
aiida_crystal17.parsers.geometry.ops_cart_to_frac(ops_flat, lattice)[source]

convert a list of flattened cartesian symmetry operations to fractional

aiida_crystal17.parsers.geometry.ops_frac_to_cart(ops_flat, lattice)[source]

convert a list of flattened fractional symmetry operations to cartesian

aiida_crystal17.parsers.geometry.read_gui_file(fpath, cryversion=17)[source]

read CRYSTAL geometry (.gui) file



convert struct dict to ase.Atoms

Parameters:structdict – dict containing ‘lattice’, ‘atomic_numbers’, ‘pbc’, ‘ccoords’, ‘equivalent’
Return type:ase.Atoms

create a dictionary of structure properties per atom

Parameters:structure ( – the input structure
Returns:dictionary containing; lattice, atomic_numbers, ccoords, pbc, kinds, equivalent
Return type:dict