Source code for aiida_crystal17.parsers.geometry

This module deals with reading/creating .gui files
for use with the EXTERNAL keyword

File Format


    dimesionality origin_setting crystal_type energy(optional)
        a_x a_y a_z
        b_x b_y b_z
        c_x c_y c_z
    num_symm_ops (in cartesian coordinates)
        op1_rot_00 op1_rot_01 op1_rot_02
        op1_rot_10 op1_rot_11 op1_rot_12
        op1_rot_20 op1_rot_21 op1_rot_22
        op1_trans_0 op1_trans_1 op1_trans_2
    num_atoms (if cryversion<17 irreducible atoms only)
        atomic_number x y z (in cartesian coordinates)
    space_group_int_num num_symm_ops

import numpy as np
from aiida_crystal17.validation import validate_with_json
from aiida_crystal17.utils import ATOMIC_SYMBOL2NUM, ATOMIC_NUM2SYMBOL
from spglib import spglib

SYMMETRY_VERSION = ".".join([str(i) for i in spglib.get_version()])

# python 3 to 2 compatibility
    import pathlib
except ImportError:
    import pathlib2 as pathlib

    1: 'triclinic',
    2: 'monoclinic',
    3: 'orthorhombic',
    4: 'tetragonal',
    5: 'hexagonal',
    6: 'cubic'
    0: [False, False, False],
    1: [True, False, False],
    2: [True, True, False],
    3: [True, True, True]
    1: [[1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000], [0.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000],
        [0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]],
    2: [[1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000], [0.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000],
        [0.0000, -1.0000, 1.0000]],  # P_A
    4: [[1.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000], [-1.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000],
        [0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]],  # modified P_C
    5: [[-1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000], [1.0000, -1.0000, 1.0000],
        [1.0000, 1.0000, -1.0000]],  # P_F
    6: [[0, 1.0000, 1.0000], [1.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000],
        [1.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000]],  # P_I
}  # primitive to crystallographic, invert for other way round

# relate to: CENTRING CODE x/y, not sure what y relates to?
# see

# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
[docs]def read_gui_file(fpath, cryversion=17): """read CRYSTAL geometry (.gui) file :param fpath: path to file :type fpath: str or pathlib.Path :param cryversion: version of CRYSTAL :type cryversion: int :return: """ if cryversion != 17: raise NotImplementedError("CRYSTAL versions other than 17") structdata = {} path = pathlib.Path(fpath) with as f: lines = init_data = lines[0].split() dimensionality = int(init_data[0]) if dimensionality not in _DIMENSIONALITY: raise ValueError( "dimensionality was not between 0 and 3: {}".format( dimensionality)) structdata["pbc"] = _DIMENSIONALITY[dimensionality] structdata["origin_setting"] = int(init_data[1]) crystal_type = int(init_data[2]) if crystal_type not in CRYSTAL_TYPE_MAP: raise ValueError("crystal_type was not between 1 and 6: {}".format( dimensionality)) structdata["crystal_type"] = CRYSTAL_TYPE_MAP[crystal_type] structdata["lattice"] = [[float(num) for num in l.split()] for l in lines[1:4]] structdata["nsymops"] = nsymops = int(lines[4]) symops = [] for i in range(nsymops): symop = [] for j in range(4): line_num = 5 + i * 4 + j values = lines[line_num].split() if not len(values) == 3: raise IOError( "expected symop x, y and z coordinate on line {0}: {1}". format(line_num, lines[line_num])) symop.extend( [float(values[0]), float(values[1]), float(values[2])]) symops.append(symop) structdata["symops"] = ops_cart_to_frac(symops, structdata["lattice"]) structdata["natoms"] = natoms = int(lines[5 + nsymops * 4]) structdata["atomic_numbers"] = [ int(l.split()[0]) for l in lines[6 + nsymops * 4:6 + nsymops * 4 + natoms] ] structdata["ccoords"] = [[ float(num) for num in l.split()[1:4] ] for l in lines[6 + nsymops * 4:6 + nsymops * 4 + natoms]] return structdata
[docs]def get_crystal_system(sg_number, as_number=False): """Get the crystal system for the structure, e.g., (triclinic, orthorhombic, cubic, etc.) from the space group number :param sg_number: the spacegroup number :param as_number: return the system as a number (recognized by CRYSTAL) or a str :return: Crystal system for structure or None if system cannot be detected. """ def f(i, j): return i <= sg_number <= j cs = { "triclinic": (1, 2), "monoclinic": (3, 15), "orthorhombic": (16, 74), "tetragonal": (75, 142), "trigonal": (143, 167), "hexagonal": (168, 194), "cubic": (195, 230) } crystal_system = None for k, v in cs.items(): if f(*v): crystal_system = k break if crystal_system is None: raise ValueError( "could not find crystal system of space group number: {}".format( sg_number)) if as_number: crystal_system = {v: k for k, v in CRYSTAL_TYPE_MAP.items()}[crystal_system] return crystal_system
[docs]def get_lattice_type(sg_number): """Get the lattice for the structure, e.g., (triclinic, orthorhombic, cubic, etc.).This is the same than the crystal system with the exception of the hexagonal/rhombohedral lattice :param sg_number: space group number :return: Lattice type for structure or None if type cannot be detected. """ system = get_crystal_system(sg_number) if sg_number in [146, 148, 155, 160, 161, 166, 167]: return "rhombohedral" elif system == "trigonal": return "hexagonal" return system
[docs]def get_centering_code(sg_number, sg_symbol): """get crystal centering codes, to convert from primitive to conventional :param sg_number: the space group number :param sg_symbol: the space group symbol :return: CRYSTAL centering code """ lattice_type = get_lattice_type(sg_number) if "P" in sg_symbol or lattice_type == "hexagonal": return 1 elif lattice_type == "rhombohedral": # can also be P_R (if a_length == c_length in conventional cell), # but crystal doesn't appear to use that anyway return 1 elif "I" in sg_symbol: return 6 elif "F" in sg_symbol: return 5 elif "C" in sg_symbol: crystal_system = get_crystal_system(sg_number, as_number=False) if crystal_system == "monoclinic": return 4 # TODO this is P_C but don't know what code it is, maybe 3? # [[1.0, -1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]] return 4 # elif "A" in sg_symbol: # return 2 # TODO check this is always correct (not in original function) return 1
[docs]def frac2cart(lattice, fcoords): """a function that takes the cell parameters, in angstrom, and a list of fractional coordinates and returns the structure in cartesian coordinates """ ccoords = [] for i in fcoords: x = i[0] * lattice[0][0] + i[1] * lattice[1][0] + i[2] * lattice[2][0] y = i[0] * lattice[0][1] + i[1] * lattice[1][1] + i[2] * lattice[2][1] z = i[0] * lattice[0][2] + i[1] * lattice[1][2] + i[2] * lattice[2][2] ccoords.append([x, y, z]) return ccoords
[docs]def cart2frac(lattice, ccoords): """a function that takes the cell parameters, in angstrom, and a list of Cartesian coordinates and returns the structure in fractional coordinates """ det3 = np.linalg.det latt_tr = np.transpose(lattice) fcoords = [] det_latt_tr = np.linalg.det(latt_tr) for i in ccoords: a = (det3([[i[0], latt_tr[0][1], latt_tr[0][2]], [ i[1], latt_tr[1][1], latt_tr[1][2] ], [i[2], latt_tr[2][1], latt_tr[2][2]]])) / det_latt_tr b = (det3([[latt_tr[0][0], i[0], latt_tr[0][2]], [ latt_tr[1][0], i[1], latt_tr[1][2] ], [latt_tr[2][0], i[2], latt_tr[2][2]]])) / det_latt_tr c = (det3([[latt_tr[0][0], latt_tr[0][1], i[0]], [ latt_tr[1][0], latt_tr[1][1], i[1] ], [latt_tr[2][0], latt_tr[2][1], i[2]]])) / det_latt_tr fcoords.append([a, b, c]) return fcoords
def _operation_frac_to_cart(lattice, rot, trans): """convert symmetry operation from fractional to cartesian :param lattice: 3x3 matrix (a, b, c) :param rot: 3x3 rotation matrix :param trans: 3 translation vector :return: (rot, trans) """ lattice_tr = np.transpose(lattice) lattice_tr_inv = np.linalg.inv(lattice_tr) rot =,, lattice_tr_inv)).tolist() trans =, lattice).tolist() return rot, trans
[docs]def ops_frac_to_cart(ops_flat, lattice): """convert a list of flattened fractional symmetry operations to cartesian""" cart_ops = [] for op in ops_flat: rot = [op[0:3], op[3:6], op[6:9]] trans = op[9:12] rot, trans = _operation_frac_to_cart(lattice, rot, trans) cart_ops.append(rot[0] + rot[1] + rot[2] + trans) return cart_ops
def _operation_cart_to_frac(lattice, rot, trans): """convert symmetry operation from cartesian to fractional :param lattice: 3x3 matrix (a, b, c) :param rot: 3x3 rotation matrix :param trans: 3 translation vector :return: (rot, trans) """ lattice_tr = np.transpose(lattice) lattice_tr_inv = np.linalg.inv(lattice_tr) rot =,, lattice_tr)).tolist() trans =, np.linalg.inv(lattice)).tolist() return rot, trans
[docs]def ops_cart_to_frac(ops_flat, lattice): """convert a list of flattened cartesian symmetry operations to fractional""" frac_ops = [] for op in ops_flat: rot = [op[0:3], op[3:6], op[6:9]] trans = op[9:12] rot, trans = _operation_cart_to_frac(lattice, rot, trans) frac_ops.append(rot[0] + rot[1] + rot[2] + trans) return frac_ops
# def compute_symmetry(structdata, settings, cryversion=17): # """compute the symmetry and (optionally) modified structure given settings # # Structures can first be standardized, to correctly centre them, # and optionally can be idealized and/or converted to the primitive cell # see # # :param structdata: structure data as mandated by stucture.schema.json # :type structdata: dict # :param settings: Settings for initial manipulation of structures and conversion to .gui (fort.34) input file, as mandated by the settings.schema.json # :type settings: dict # :param cryversion: version of CRYSTAL # :type cryversion: int # :return: (structdata, symmdata) # # """ # if cryversion != 17: # raise NotImplementedError("CRYSTAL versions other than 17") # # # validation of inputs # validate_with_json(settings, "settings") # # # rkeys = ["lattice", "atomic_numbers", "ccoords", "pbc"] # # if not set(rkeys).issubset(structdata.keys()): # # raise ValueError("stuctdata must contain: {}".format(rkeys)) # # # inputs to decide on how to manipulate geometry # symops = settings["symmetry"]["operations"] # dimensionality = sum(structdata["pbc"]) # # if symops is not None: # # if the symops are given, we can go straight to writing the file # crystal_type = {v: k # for k, v in CRYSTAL_TYPE_MAP.items() # }[settings["crystal"]["system"]] # origin_setting = settings["crystal"]["transform"] # origin_setting = 1 if origin_setting is None else origin_setting # # symmdata = { # "space_group": settings["symmetry"]["space_group"], # "operations": symops, # "crystal_type": crystal_type, # "centring_code": origin_setting, # } # # elif dimensionality == 3: # # structdata, symmdata = compute_symmetry_3d( # structdata, # settings["3d"]["primitive"], settings["3d"]["standardize"], # settings["3d"]["idealize"], # settings["symmetry"]["symprec"], settings["symmetry"]["angletol"]) # # elif dimensionality == 2: # # maximise_orthogonality # # get_orthogonal # # set cvec as [0., 0., 500.] # # TODO dimensionality == 2 # raise NotImplementedError("dimensionality other than 3") # else: # # TODO dimensionality < 2 # raise NotImplementedError("dimensionality than less than 2") # # return structdata, symmdata # # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs]def compute_symmetry_3d(structdata, standardize, primitive, idealize, symprec, angletol): """ create 3d geometry input for CRYSTAL17 :param structdata: "lattice", "atomic_numbers", "ccoords", "pbc" and (optionally) "equivalent" :param standardize: whether to standardize the structure :param primitive: whether to create a primitive structure :param idealize: whether to idealize the structure :param symprec: symmetry precision to parse to spglib :param angletol: angletol to parse to spglib :return: (structdata, symmdata) """ validate_with_json(structdata, "structure") angletol = -1 if angletol is None else angletol # first create the cell to pass to spglib lattice = structdata["lattice"] ccoords = structdata["ccoords"] # spglib only uses the atomic numbers to demark inequivalent sites inequivalent_sites = (np.array(structdata["atomic_numbers"]) * 1000 + np.array(structdata["equivalent"])).tolist() if "kinds" in structdata: inequivalent_to_kind = { i: k for i, k in zip(inequivalent_sites, structdata["kinds"]) } else: inequivalent_to_kind = None fcoords = cart2frac(lattice, ccoords) cell = [lattice, fcoords, inequivalent_sites] cell = tuple(cell) if standardize or primitive: scell = spglib.standardize_cell( cell, no_idealize=not idealize, to_primitive=primitive, symprec=symprec, angle_tolerance=angletol) if scell is None: raise ValueError("standardization of cell failed: {}".format(cell)) cell = scell lattice = cell[0].tolist() fcoords = cell[1] ccoords = frac2cart(lattice, fcoords) inequivalent_sites = cell[2].tolist() # find symmetry # TODO can we get only the symmetry operators accepted by CRYSTAL? symm_dataset = spglib.get_symmetry_dataset( cell, symprec=symprec, angle_tolerance=angletol) if symm_dataset is None: # TODO option to use P1 symmetry if can't find symmetry raise ValueError("could not find symmetry of cell: {}".format(cell)) sg_num = symm_dataset[ 'number'] if symm_dataset['number'] is not None else 1 crystal_type = get_crystal_system(sg_num, as_number=True) # format the symmetry operations (fractional to cartesian) symops = [] for rot, trans in zip(symm_dataset["rotations"], symm_dataset["translations"]): # rot, trans = operation_frac_to_cart(lattice, rot, trans) symops.append(rot[0].tolist() + rot[1].tolist() + rot[2].tolist() + trans.tolist()) # find and set centering code # the origin_setting (aka centering code) refers to how to convert conventional to primitive if primitive: origin_setting = get_centering_code(sg_num, symm_dataset["international"]) else: origin_setting = 1 equivalent = np.mod(inequivalent_sites, 1000).tolist() atomic_numbers = ((np.array(inequivalent_sites) - np.array(equivalent)) / 1000).astype(int).tolist() # from jsonextended import edict # edict.pprint(symm_dataset) structdata = { "lattice": lattice, "ccoords": ccoords, "pbc": [True, True, True], "atomic_numbers": atomic_numbers, "equivalent": equivalent } if inequivalent_to_kind: structdata["kinds"] = [ inequivalent_to_kind[i] for i in inequivalent_sites ] symmdata = { "space_group": sg_num, "operations": symops, "crystal_type": crystal_type, "centring_code": origin_setting, } return structdata, symmdata
[docs]def crystal17_gui_string(structdata, symmdata, fractional_ops=True): """create string of gui file content (for CRYSTAL17) :param structdata: dictionary of structure data with keys: 'pbc', 'atomic_numbers', 'ccoords', 'lattice' :param symmdata: dictionary of symmetry data with keys: 'crystal_type', 'centring_code', 'space_group', 'operations' :param fractional_ops: whether the symmetry operations are in fractional coordinates :return: """ dimensionality = 3 if structdata["pbc"] is True else sum(structdata["pbc"]) atomic_numbers = structdata["atomic_numbers"] ccoords = structdata["ccoords"] lattice = structdata["lattice"] crystal_type = symmdata["crystal_type"] origin_setting = symmdata["centring_code"] sg_num = symmdata["space_group"] symops = symmdata["operations"] if fractional_ops: symops = ops_frac_to_cart(symops, lattice) # sort the symmetry operations (useful to standardize for testing) # symops = np.sort(symops, axis=0) num_symops = len(symops) sym_lines = [] for symop in symops: sym_lines.append(symop[0:3]) sym_lines.append(symop[3:6]) sym_lines.append(symop[6:9]) sym_lines.append(symop[9:12]) # for all output numbers, we round to 9 dp and add 0, so we don't get -0.0 geom_str_list = [] geom_str_list.append("{0} {1} {2}".format(dimensionality, origin_setting, crystal_type)) geom_str_list.append("{0:17.9E} {1:17.9E} {2:17.9E}".format(*( np.round(lattice[0], 9) + 0.))) geom_str_list.append("{0:17.9E} {1:17.9E} {2:17.9E}".format(*( np.round(lattice[1], 9) + 0.))) geom_str_list.append("{0:17.9E} {1:17.9E} {2:17.9E}".format(*( np.round(lattice[2], 9) + 0.))) geom_str_list.append(str(num_symops)) for sym_line in sym_lines: geom_str_list.append("{0:17.9E} {1:17.9E} {2:17.9E}".format(*( np.round(sym_line, 9) + 0.))) geom_str_list.append(str(len(atomic_numbers))) for anum, coord in zip(atomic_numbers, ccoords): geom_str_list.append("{0:3} {1:17.9E} {2:17.9E} {3:17.9E}".format( anum, *(np.round(coord, 10) + 0.))) geom_str_list.append("{0} {1}".format(sg_num, num_symops)) geom_str_list.append("") return "\n".join(geom_str_list)
[docs]def structdict_to_ase(structdict): """convert struct dict to ase.Atoms :param structdict: dict containing 'lattice', 'atomic_numbers', 'pbc', 'ccoords', 'equivalent' :rtype: ase.Atoms """ import ase atoms = ase.Atoms( cell=structdict["lattice"], numbers=structdict["atomic_numbers"], pbc=structdict["pbc"], positions=structdict["ccoords"], tags=structdict["equivalent"]) return atoms
[docs]def ase_to_structdict(atoms): """convert ase.Atoms to struct dict :type atoms: ase.Atoms :return structdict: dict containing 'lattice', 'atomic_numbers', 'pbc', 'ccoords', 'equivalent' :type structdict: dict """ structdict = { "lattice": atoms.cell.tolist(), "ccoords": atoms.positions.tolist(), "atomic_numbers": atoms.get_atomic_numbers().tolist(), "pbc": atoms.pbc.tolist(), "equivalent": atoms.get_tags().tolist() } return structdict
[docs]def structure_to_dict(structure): """create a dictionary of structure properties per atom :param structure: the input structure :type structure: :return: dictionary containing; lattice, atomic_numbers, ccoords, pbc, kinds, equivalent :rtype: dict """ from aiida.common.exceptions import InputValidationError for kind in structure.kinds: if kind.is_alloy(): raise InputValidationError( "Kind '{}' is an alloy. This is not allowed for CRYSTAL input structures." "".format( if kind.has_vacancies(): raise InputValidationError( "Kind '{}' has vacancies. This is not allowed for CRYSTAL input structures." "".format( kindname_symbol_map = { kind.symbols[0] for kind in structure.kinds } kindname_id_map = { i for i, kind in enumerate(structure.kinds)} id_kind_map = {i: kind for i, kind in enumerate(structure.kinds)} kind_names = [site.kind_name for site in structure.sites] symbols = [kindname_symbol_map[name] for name in kind_names] equivalent = [kindname_id_map[name] for name in kind_names] kinds = [id_kind_map[e] for e in equivalent] sdata = { "lattice": structure.cell, "atomic_numbers": [ATOMIC_SYMBOL2NUM[sym] for sym in symbols], "ccoords": [site.position for site in structure.sites], "pbc": structure.pbc, "equivalent": equivalent, "kinds": kinds, } return sdata
[docs]def dict_to_structure(structdict, logger=None): """create a dictionary of structure properties per atom :param: dictionary containing; 'lattice', 'atomic_numbers' (or 'symbols'), 'ccoords', 'pbc', 'kinds', 'equivalent' :type structdict: dict :param logger: a logger with a `warning` method :return structure: the input structure :rtype structure: """ from aiida.orm import DataFactory StructureData = DataFactory('structure') struct = StructureData(cell=structdict['lattice']) struct.set_pbc(structdict["pbc"]) atom_kinds = structdict.get("kinds", None) if atom_kinds is None: if logger: logger.warning("no 'kinds' available, creating new kinds") symbols = structdict.get("symbols", None) if symbols is None: symbols = [ ATOMIC_NUM2SYMBOL[anum] for anum in structdict["atomic_numbers"] ] if len(symbols) != len(structdict['ccoords']): raise AssertionError( "the length of ccoords and atomic_numbers/symbols must be the same" ) for symbol, ccoord in zip(symbols, structdict['ccoords']): struct.append_atom(position=ccoord, symbols=symbol) else: if len(atom_kinds) != len(structdict['ccoords']): raise AssertionError( "the length of ccoords and atom_kinds must be the same") from import Site, Kind for kind, ccoord in zip(atom_kinds, structdict['ccoords']): if not isinstance(kind, Kind): kind = Kind(raw=kind) if not in struct.get_site_kindnames(): struct.append_kind(kind) struct.append_site(Site(position=ccoord, return struct