aiida_crystal17.calculations.cry_main module

Plugin to create a CRYSTAL17 output file from input files created via data nodes

class aiida_crystal17.calculations.cry_main.CryMainCalculation(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: aiida.orm.implementation.django.calculation.job.JobCalculation

AiiDA calculation plugin wrapping the runcry17 executable.

classmethod get_linkname_basisset(element)[source]

The name of the link used for the basis set for atomic element ‘element’. It appends the basis name to the basisset_prefix, as returned by the _get_linkname_basisset_prefix() method.

Parameters:element – a string for the atomic element for which we want to get the link name
input_schema = {u'$schema': u'', u'additionalProperties': False, u'description': u'Allowed Inputs For CRYSTAL17 .d12 file', u'properties': {u'basis_set': {u'additionalProperties': False, u'description': u'Basis sets input and control', u'properties': {u'CHARGED': {u'description': u'forces the overall system to be neutral even when the number of electrons in the reference cell is different from the sum of nuclear charges, by adding a uniform background charge density to neutralize the charge in the reference cell.', u'type': u'boolean'}}, u'title': u'Block 2', u'type': u'object'}, u'geometry': {u'additionalProperties': False, u'description': u'Geometry input, manipulation and optimisation control', u'properties': {u'info_external': {u'description': u'keywords for external output', u'items': {u'enum': [u'COORPRT', u'EXTPRT', u'FINDSYM', u'STRUCPRT', u'SYMMOPS'], u'type': u'string', u'uniqueItems': True}, u'type': u'array'}, u'info_print': {u'description': u'keywords for printing', u'items': {u'enum': [u'ATOMSYMM', u'MAKESAED', u'PRSYMDIR', u'SYMMDIR', u'SYMMOPS', u'PRINTCHG'], u'type': u'string', u'uniqueItems': True}, u'type': u'array'}, u'optimise': {u'additionalProperties': False, u'description': u'optimisation block inputs', u'properties': {u'convergence': {u'additionalProperties': False, u'description': u'optimisation convergence criteria', u'properties': {u'FINALRUN': {u'description': u'run final Wf single point scf with optimized geometry', u'maximum': 4, u'minimum': 1, u'type': u'integer'}, u'MAXCYCLE': {u'description': u'max number of optimization steps', u'minimum': 1, u'type': u'integer'}, u'TOLDEE': {u'description': u'total energy difference between two steps', u'minimum': 1, u'type': u'integer'}, u'TOLDEG': {u'description': u'RMS of the gradient', u'exclusiveMinimum': True, u'minimum': 0, u'type': u'number'}, u'TOLDEX': {u'description': u'RMS of the displacement', u'exclusiveMinimum': True, u'minimum': 0, u'type': u'number'}}, u'type': u'object'}, u'gradient': {u'description': u'the minimisation gradient to use', u'enum': [u'NUMGRATO', u'NUMGRCEL', u'NUMGRALL'], u'type': u'string'}, u'hessian': {u'description': u'the initial hessian matrix to use', u'enum': [u'HESSIDEN', u'HESSMOD1', u'HESSMOD2', u'HESSNUM'], u'type': u'string'}, u'info_print': {u'description': u'keywords for printing', u'items': {u'enum': [u'PRINTFORCES', u'PRINTHESS', u'PRINTOPT', u'PRINT'], u'type': u'string', u'uniqueItems': True}, u'type': u'array'}, u'type': {u'description': u'the optimisation type', u'enum': [u'FULLOPTG', u'CELLONLY', u'INTREDUN', u'ITATOCEL', u'CVOLOPT'], u'type': u'string'}}, u'type': [u'object', u'boolean']}}, u'title': u'Block 1', u'type': u'object'}, u'scf': {u'additionalProperties': False, u'dependencies': {u'dft': {u'not': {u'required': [u'single']}}, u'single': {u'not': {u'required': [u'dft']}}}, u'description': u'Single particle Hamiltonian and SCF control', u'properties': {u'dft': {u'additionalProperties': False, u'description': u'the exchange-correlation functional to use', u'properties': {u'SPIN': {u'description': u'whether to use spin polarisation', u'type': u'boolean'}, u'grid': {u'description': u'the (pruned) integration grid', u'enum': [u'OLDGRID', u'LGRID', u'XLGRID', u'XXLGRID'], u'type': u'string'}, u'grid_weights': {u'description': u'the grid point weights of the integration grid', u'enum': [u'BECKE', u'SAVIN'], u'type': u'string'}, u'numerical': {u'additionalProperties': False, u'definition': u'Numerical accuracy and computational parameters control', u'properties': {u'LIMBEK': {u'description': u'size of local arrays for integration weights', u'exclusiveMinimum': True, u'minimum': 0, u'type': u'integer'}, u'TOLLDENS': {u'description': u'density tolerance', u'exclusiveMinimum': True, u'minimum': 0, u'type': u'integer'}, u'TOLLGRID': {u'description': u'grid weight tolerance', u'exclusiveMinimum': True, u'minimum': 0, u'type': u'integer'}}, u'type': u'object'}, u'xc': {u'description': u'the exchange-correlation functional', u'oneOf': [{u'items': [{u'enum': [u'LDA', u'VBH', u'BECKE', u'PBE', u'PBESOL', u'PWGGA', u'mPW91', u'SOGGA', u'WCGGA'], u'type': u'string'}, {u'enum': [u'PZ', u'VBH', u'VWN', u'LYP', u'PBE', u'PBESOL', u'PWGGA', u'PWLSD', u'WL'], u'type': u'string'}], u'additionalItems': False, u'type': u'array'}, {u'enum': [u'SVWN', u'BLYP', u'PBEXC', u'PBESOLXC', u'SOGGAXC', u'B3PW', u'B3LYP', u'PBE0', u'PBESOL0', u'B1WC', u'WC1LYP', u'B97H', u'PBE0-13', u'HSE06', u'HSESOL', u'SC-BLYP', u'HISS', u'RSHXLDA', u'wB97', u'wB97X', u'LC-wPBE', u'LC-wPBESOL', u'LC-wBLYP', u'LC-BLYP', u'CAM-B3LYP', u'M06L', u'B2PLYP', u'B2GPPLYP', u'mPW2PLYP', u'DHYBRID'], u'type': u'string'}, {u'additionalProperties': False, u'maxProperties': 1, u'type': u'object', u'properties': {u'LSRSH-PBE': {u'minItems': 3, u'items': [{u'exclusiveMinimum': True, u'minimum': 0, u'type': u'number', u'description': u'value of the length scale separation, w'}, {u'exclusiveMinimum': True, u'minimum': 0, u'type': u'number', u'description': u'value of the coefficient for the SR-HF exchange term'}, {u'exclusiveMinimum': True, u'minimum': 0, u'type': u'number', u'description': u'value of the coefficient for the LR-HF exchange term'}], u'additionalItems': False, u'type': u'array'}}, u'minProperties': 1}]}}, u'required': [u'xc'], u'type': u'object'}, u'fock_mixing': {u'description': u'convergence acceleration tool', u'oneOf': [{u'enum': [u'DIIS', u'DIISALLK', u'SLOSHING', u'NODIIS', u'ANDERSON'], u'type': u'string'}, {u'additionalProperties': False, u'maxProperties': 1, u'type': u'object', u'properties': {u'BROYDEN': {u'minItems': 3, u'items': [{u'exclusiveMinimum': True, u'minimum': 0, u'type': u'number', u'description': u'W0 parameter in Anderson\u2019s paper'}, {u'exclusiveMinimum': True, u'minimum': 0, u'type': u'integer', u'description': u'percent of Fock/KS matrices mixing when Broyden method is switched on'}, {u'minimum': 2, u'type': u'integer', u'description': u'SCf iteration after which Broyden method is active'}], u'type': u'array', u'maxitems': 3}}, u'minProperties': 1}]}, u'k_points': {u'items': {u'minimum': 1, u'type': u'integer'}, u'maxItems': 2, u'minItems': 2, u'type': u'array'}, u'numerical': {u'additionalProperties': False, u'definition': u'Numerical accuracy and computational parameters control', u'properties': {u'BIPOLAR': {u'additionalItems': False, u'description': u'Bipolar expansion approximation control', u'items': [{u'exclusiveMinimum': True, u'minimum': 0, u'type': u'integer', u'description': u'overlap threshold for Coulomb'}, {u'exclusiveMinimum': True, u'minimum': 0, u'type': u'integer', u'description': u'overlap threshold for Exchange'}], u'minItems': 2, u'type': u'array'}, u'BIPOSIZE': {u'description': u'Size of buffer for Coulomb integrals bipolar expansion', u'exclusiveMinimum': True, u'minimum': 0, u'type': u'integer'}, u'EXCHPERM': {u'description': u'use permutation of centers in exchange integrals', u'type': u'boolean'}, u'EXCHSIZE': {u'description': u'Size of buffer for Exchange integrals bipolar expansion', u'exclusiveMinimum': True, u'minimum': 0, u'type': u'integer'}, u'FMIXING': {u'description': u'Fock/KS matrix (cycle i and i-1) mixing', u'minimum': 0, u'type': u'integer'}, u'ILASIZE': {u'description': u'Maximum size of array ILA for 2-electron integral calculation', u'exclusiveMinimum': True, u'minimum': 0, u'type': u'integer'}, u'INTGPACK': {u'description': u'Choice of integrals package', u'maximum': 3, u'minimum': 0, u'type': u'integer'}, u'LEVSHIFT': {u'additionalItems': False, u'description': u'Eigenvalue level shifting', u'items': [{u'exclusiveMinimum': True, u'minimum': 0, u'type': u'integer', u'description': u'The level shifter is set to ISHIFT*0.1 hartree'}, {u'minimum': 0, u'type': u'integer', u'description': u'locking on/off', u'maximum': 1}], u'minItems': 2, u'type': u'array'}, u'MADELIND': {u'description': u'reciprocal lattice vector indices for Madelung sums', u'exclusiveMinimum': True, u'minimum': 0, u'type': u'integer'}, u'MAXCYCLE': {u'description': u'maximum number of cycles', u'exclusiveMinimum': True, u'minimum': 0, u'type': u'integer'}, u'NOBIPCOU': {u'description': u'Coulomb bielectronic integrals computed exactly', u'type': u'boolean'}, u'NOBIPEXCH': {u'description': u'Exchange bielectronic integrals computed exactly', u'type': u'boolean'}, u'NOBIPOLA': {u'description': u'All bielectronic integrals computed exactly', u'type': u'boolean'}, u'POLEORDR': {u'description': u'Maximum order of multipolar expansion', u'exclusiveMinimum': True, u'minimum': 0, u'type': u'integer'}, u'SMEAR': {u'description': u'temperature smearing of Fermi surface', u'minimum': 0, u'type': u'number'}, u'TOLDEE': {u'description': u'convergence on total energy', u'exclusiveMinimum': True, u'minimum': 0, u'type': u'integer'}, u'TOLINTEG': {u'description': u'Bipolar expansion approximation control', u'items': {u'exclusiveMinimum': True, u'minimum': 0, u'type': u'integer'}, u'maxItems': 5, u'minItems': 5, u'type': u'array'}, u'TOLPSEUD': {u'description': u'Pseudopotential tolerance', u'exclusiveMinimum': True, u'minimum': 0, u'type': u'integer'}}, u'type': u'object'}, u'post_scf': {u'description': u'keywords for post SCF calculations', u'items': {u'enum': [u'POSTSCF', u'EXCHGENE', u'GRADCAL', u'PPAN'], u'type': u'string', u'uniqueItems': True}, u'type': u'array'}, u'single': {u'enum': [u'RHF', u'UHF', u'MP2'], u'type': u'string'}, u'spinlock': {u'additionalProperties': False, u'description': u'the difference between alpha and beta electrons is fixed for initial scf cycles', u'maxProperties': 1, u'minProperties': 1, u'properties': {u'BETALOCK': {u'description': u'lock the number of beta electrons [nbeta, ncycles]', u'items': {u'type': u'integer'}, u'maxItems': 2, u'minItems': 2, u'type': u'array'}, u'SPINLOC2': {u'description': u'fills separately the alpha and beta bands with the appropriate # of electrons [nalpha-nbeta, ncycles]', u'items': [{u'type': u'number'}, {u'type': u'integer'}], u'maxItems': 2, u'minItems': 2, u'type': u'array'}, u'SPINLOCK': {u'description': u'shift the eigenvalues in order to lock the system in a specific spin state [nalpha-nbeta, ncycles]', u'items': {u'type': u'integer'}, u'maxItems': 2, u'minItems': 2, u'type': u'array'}}, u'type': u'object'}}, u'required': [u'k_points'], u'title': u'Block 3', u'type': u'object'}, u'title': {u'description': u'the title of the run', u'type': u'string'}}, u'required': [u'scf'], u'title': u'CRYSTAL17 Input', u'type': u'object'}
classmethod prepare_and_validate(param_dict, structure, settings, basis_family=None, flattened=False)[source]

prepare and validate the inputs to the calculation

  • input – dict giving data to create the input .d12 file
  • structure – the StructureData
  • settings – StructSettingsData giving symmetry operations, etc
  • basis_family – string of the BasisSetFamily to use
  • flattened – whether the input dictionary is flattened



A class that, when used as a decorator, works as if the two decorators @property and @classmethod where applied together (i.e., the object works as a property, both for the Class and for any of its instance; and is called with the class cls rather than with the instance as its first argument).


Set the basis set to use for all atomic types, picking basis sets from the family with name family_name.

Note:The structure must already be set.
Parameters:family_name – the name of the group containing the basis sets