Source code for aiida_crystal17.parsers.cry_basic

A parser to read output from a standard CRYSTAL17 run
from aiida.parsers.parser import Parser
from aiida.parsers.exceptions import OutputParsingError
from aiida.common.datastructures import calc_states
from aiida.orm import CalculationFactory

from aiida_crystal17.parsers.mainout_parse import parse_mainout

[docs]class CryBasicParser(Parser): """ Parser class for parsing (stdout) output of a standard CRYSTAL17 run """ def __init__(self, calculation): """ Initialize Parser instance """ CryBasicCalculation = CalculationFactory('crystal17.basic') CryMainCalculation = CalculationFactory('crystal17.main') # check for valid input if not isinstance(calculation, (CryBasicCalculation, CryMainCalculation)): raise OutputParsingError( "Can only parse CryBasicCalculation or CryMainCalculation") super(CryBasicParser, self).__init__(calculation) # pylint: disable=protected-access
[docs] def check_state(self): """Log an error if the calculation being parsed is not in PARSING state.""" if self._calc.get_state() != calc_states.PARSING: self.logger.error('Calculation not in parsing state')
# pylint: disable=protected-access
[docs] def get_folder(self, retrieved): """Convenient access to the retrieved folder.""" try: out_folder = retrieved[self._calc._get_linkname_retrieved()] return out_folder except KeyError: self.logger.error('No retrieved folder found') return None
# def get_parser_settings_key(self): # """ # Return the name of the key to be used in the calculation settings, that # contains the dictionary with the parser_options # """ # return 'parser_options'
[docs] @classmethod def get_linkname_outstructure(cls): """ Returns the name of the link to the output_structure Node exists if positions or cell changed. """ return 'output_structure'
[docs] @classmethod def get_linkname_outsettings(cls): """ Returns the name of the link to the output_structure Node exists if positions or cell changed. """ return 'output_settings'
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
[docs] def parse_with_retrieved(self, retrieved): """ Parse outputs, store results in database. :param retrieved: a dictionary of retrieved nodes, where the key is the link name :returns: a tuple with two values ``(bool, node_list)``, where: * ``bool``: variable to tell if the parsing succeeded * ``node_list``: list of new nodes to be stored in the db (as a list of tuples ``(link_name, node)``) """ node_list = [] successful = True # check calc in parsing state self.check_state() # Load the input dictionary # parameters = self._calc.inp.parameters.get_dict() # Look for optional input structure try: input_structure = self._calc.inp.structure except (AttributeError, KeyError): input_structure = None # Look for optional structure settings input node try: input_settings = self._calc.inp.settings except (AttributeError, KeyError): input_settings = None # Check that the retrieved folder is there out_folder = self.get_folder(retrieved) if not out_folder: return False, () list_of_files = out_folder.get_folder_list() # Check that the main output file is present mainout_file = self._calc._DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE # pylint: disable=protected-access if mainout_file not in list_of_files: self.logger.error( "The standard output file '{}' was not found but is required". format(mainout_file)) return False, () # parse the stdout file and add nodes"parsing main out file") psuccess, output_nodes = parse_mainout( out_folder.get_abs_path(mainout_file), parser_class=self.__class__.__name__, init_struct=input_structure, init_settings=input_settings) if not psuccess: successful = False outparams = output_nodes.pop("parameters") perrors = outparams.get_attr("errors") if perrors: self.logger.warning( "the parser raised the following errors:\n{}".format( "\n\t".join(perrors))) node_list.append((self.get_linkname_outparams(), outparams)) if "settings" in output_nodes: node_list.append((self.get_linkname_outsettings(), output_nodes.pop("settings"))) if "structure" in output_nodes: node_list.append((self.get_linkname_outstructure(), output_nodes.pop("structure"))) if output_nodes: self.logger.warning("unknown key(s) in output_nodes: {}".format( list(output_nodes.keys()))) successful = False return successful, node_list