Source code for aiida_crystal17.tests.utils

from contextlib import contextmanager
import distutils.spawn
import os
import sys

from aiida.plugins import ParserFactory
import yaml

[docs]def get_path_to_executable(executable): """Get path to local executable. :param executable: Name of executable in the $PATH variable :type executable: str :return: path to executable :rtype: str """ path = None # issue with distutils finding scripts within the python path # (i.e. those created by pip install) script_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), executable) if os.path.exists(script_path): path = script_path if path is None: path = distutils.spawn.find_executable(executable) if path is None: raise ValueError("{} executable not found in PATH.".format(executable)) return os.path.abspath(path)
[docs]def get_or_create_local_computer(work_directory, name="localhost"): """Retrieve or setup a local computer. Parameters ---------- work_directory : str path to a local directory for running computations in name : str name of the computer Returns ------- aiida.orm.computers.Computer """ from aiida.common import NotExistent from aiida.orm import Computer try: computer = Computer.objects.get(label=name) except NotExistent: computer = Computer( label=name, hostname="localhost", description="localhost computer, set up by aiida_crystal17 tests", transport_type="local", scheduler_type="direct", workdir=os.path.abspath(work_directory), ) computer.set_minimum_job_poll_interval(0.0) computer.configure() return computer
[docs]def get_or_create_code(entry_point, computer, executable, exec_path=None): """Setup code on localhost computer.""" from aiida.common import NotExistent from aiida.orm import Code, Computer if isinstance(computer, str): computer = Computer.objects.get(label=computer) try: code = Code.objects.get( label="{}-{}-{}".format(entry_point, executable, computer.label) ) except NotExistent: if exec_path is None: exec_path = get_path_to_executable(executable) code = Code( input_plugin_name=entry_point, remote_computer_exec=[computer, exec_path], ) code.label = "{}-{}-{}".format(entry_point, executable, computer.label) return code
[docs]def get_default_metadata( max_num_machines=1, max_wallclock_seconds=1800, with_mpi=False, num_mpiprocs_per_machine=1, dry_run=False, ): """ Return an instance of the metadata dictionary with the minimally required parameters for a CalcJob and set to default values unless overridden :param max_num_machines: set the number of nodes, default=1 :param max_wallclock_seconds: set the maximum number of wallclock seconds, default=1800 :param with_mpi: whether to run the calculation with MPI enabled :param num_mpiprocs_per_machine: set the number of cpus per node, default=1 :rtype: dict """ return { "options": { "resources": { "num_machines": int(max_num_machines), "num_mpiprocs_per_machine": int(num_mpiprocs_per_machine), }, "max_wallclock_seconds": int(max_wallclock_seconds), "withmpi": with_mpi, }, "dry_run": dry_run, }
[docs]def sanitize_calc_info(calc_info): """Convert a CalcInfo object to a regular dict, with no run specific data (i.e. uuids or folder paths)""" calc_info_dict = dict(calc_info) calc_info_dict.pop("uuid", None) code_info_dicts = [dict(c) for c in calc_info_dict.pop("codes_info")] [c.pop("code_uuid", None) for c in code_info_dicts] calc_info_dict = { k: sorted([v[-1] if isinstance(v, (tuple, list)) else v for v in vs]) for k, vs in calc_info_dict.items() } return {"calc_info": calc_info_dict, "code_infos": code_info_dicts}
[docs]class AiidaTestApp(object): def __init__(self, work_directory, executable_map, environment=None): """a class providing methods for testing purposes Parameters ---------- work_directory : str path to a local work directory (used when creating computers) executable_map : dict mapping of computation entry points to the executable name environment : None or aiida.manage.tests.TestManager manager of a temporary AiiDA environment """ self._environment = environment self._work_directory = work_directory self._executables = executable_map @property def work_directory(self): """return path to the work directory""" return self._work_directory @property def environment(self): """return manager of a temporary AiiDA environment""" return self._environment
[docs] def get_or_create_computer(self, name="localhost"): """Setup localhost computer""" return get_or_create_local_computer(self.work_directory, name)
[docs] def get_or_create_code(self, entry_point, computer_name="localhost"): """Setup code on localhost computer""" computer = self.get_or_create_computer(computer_name) try: executable = self._executables[entry_point] except KeyError: raise KeyError( "Entry point {} not recognized. Allowed values: {}".format( entry_point, self._executables.keys() ) ) return get_or_create_code(entry_point, computer, executable)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_default_metadata( max_num_machines=1, max_wallclock_seconds=1800, with_mpi=False, dry_run=False ): return get_default_metadata( max_num_machines, max_wallclock_seconds, with_mpi, dry_run=dry_run )
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_from_node(entry_point_name, node, retrieved_temp=None): """Parse the outputs directly from the `CalcJobNode`. Parameters ---------- entry_point_name : str entry point name of the parser class """ return ParserFactory(entry_point_name).parse_from_node( node, retrieved_temporary_folder=retrieved_temp )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_data_node(entry_point_name, **kwargs): """load a data node instance Parameters ---------- entry_point_name : str entry point name of the data node class Returns ------- """ from aiida.plugins import DataFactory return DataFactory(entry_point_name)(**kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_calc_cls(entry_point_name): """load a data node class Parameters ---------- entry_point_name : str entry point name of the data node class """ from aiida.plugins import CalculationFactory return CalculationFactory(entry_point_name)
[docs] def generate_calcjob_node( self, entry_point_name, retrieved=None, computer_name="localhost", options=None, mark_completed=False, remote_path=None, input_nodes=None, ): """Fixture to generate a mock `CalcJobNode` for testing parsers. Parameters ---------- entry_point_name : str entry point name of the calculation class retrieved : aiida.orm.FolderData containing the file(s) to be parsed computer_name : str used to get or create a ``Computer``, by default 'localhost' options : None or dict any additional metadata options to set on the node remote_path : str path to a folder on the computer mark_completed : bool if True, set the process state to finished, and the exit_status = 0 input_nodes: dict mapping of link label to node Returns ------- aiida.orm.CalcJobNode instance with the `retrieved` node linked as outgoing """ from aiida.common.links import LinkType from aiida.engine import ExitCode, ProcessState from aiida.orm import CalcJobNode, Node, RemoteData from aiida.plugins.entry_point import format_entry_point_string process = self.get_calc_cls(entry_point_name) computer = self.get_or_create_computer(computer_name) entry_point = format_entry_point_string("aiida.calculations", entry_point_name) calc_node = CalcJobNode(computer=computer, process_type=entry_point) calc_node.set_options( { k: v.default() if callable(v.default) else v.default for k, v in process.spec_options.items() if v.has_default() } ) calc_node.set_option( "resources", {"num_machines": 1, "num_mpiprocs_per_machine": 1} ) calc_node.set_option("max_wallclock_seconds", 1800) if options: calc_node.set_options(options) if mark_completed: calc_node.set_process_state(ProcessState.FINISHED) calc_node.set_exit_status(ExitCode().status) if input_nodes is not None: for label, in_node in input_nodes.items(): in_node_map = in_node if isinstance(in_node, Node): in_node_map = {None: in_node_map} for sublabel, in_node in in_node_map.items(): link_label = ( label if sublabel is None else "{}__{}".format(label, sublabel) ) calc_node.add_incoming( in_node, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label=link_label ) if retrieved is not None: retrieved.add_incoming( calc_node, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label="retrieved" ) if remote_path is not None: remote = RemoteData(remote_path=remote_path, computer=computer) remote.add_incoming( calc_node, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label="remote_folder" ) return calc_node
[docs] @contextmanager def sandbox_folder(self): """AiiDA folder object context. Yields ------ aiida.common.folders.SandboxFolder """ from aiida.common.folders import SandboxFolder with SandboxFolder() as folder: yield folder
[docs] @staticmethod def generate_calcinfo(entry_point_name, folder, inputs=None): """Generate a `CalcInfo` instance for testing calculation jobs. A new `CalcJob` process instance is instantiated, and `prepare_for_submission` is called to populate the supplied folder, with raw inputs. Parameters ---------- entry_point_name: str folder: aiida.common.folders.Folder inputs: dict or None """ from aiida.engine.utils import instantiate_process from aiida.manage.manager import get_manager from aiida.plugins import CalculationFactory manager = get_manager() runner = manager.get_runner() process_class = CalculationFactory(entry_point_name) process = instantiate_process(runner, process_class, **inputs) calc_info = process.prepare_for_submission(folder) return calc_info
[docs] @staticmethod def generate_context(wkchain_cls, inputs, outline_steps): """instantiate a WorkChain, call a list of methods (that should be part of `spec.outline`), then return a sanitized version of the workchain context for testing """ from aiida.common.extendeddicts import AttributeDict from aiida.engine import ProcessBuilder from aiida.engine.utils import instantiate_process from aiida.manage.manager import get_manager from aiida.orm import Node class ContextDumper(yaml.Dumper): """Custom yaml dumper for a process context.""" def represent_data(self, data): if isinstance(data, Node): data = str(data.__class__) if isinstance(data, AttributeDict): data = dict(data) return super(ContextDumper, self).represent_data(data) manager = get_manager() runner = manager.get_runner() if isinstance(inputs, ProcessBuilder): wkchain = instantiate_process(runner, inputs) else: wkchain = instantiate_process(runner, wkchain_cls, **inputs) step_outcomes = [] for step in outline_steps: step_outcomes.append(getattr(wkchain, step)()) context = yaml.dump(wkchain.ctx, Dumper=ContextDumper) return wkchain, step_outcomes, yaml.safe_load(context)
[docs] @staticmethod def check_calculation( calc_node, expected_outgoing_labels, error_include=(("results", "errors"), ("results", "parser_errors")), ): """Check a calculation has completed successfully.""" from aiida.cmdline.utils.common import get_calcjob_report exit_status = calc_node.get_attribute("exit_status") proc_state = calc_node.get_attribute("process_state") if exit_status != 0 or proc_state != "finished": text = yaml.dump(calc_node.attributes) message = "Process Failed:\n{}".format(text) out_link_manager = calc_node.get_outgoing() out_links = out_link_manager.all_link_labels() message += "\noutgoing_nodes: {}".format(out_links) for name, attribute in error_include: if name not in out_links: continue value = out_link_manager.get_node_by_label(name).get_attribute( attribute, None ) if value is None: continue message += "\n{}.{}: {}".format(name, attribute, value) message += "\n\nReport:\n{}".format(get_calcjob_report(calc_node)) raise AssertionError(message) link_labels = calc_node.get_outgoing().all_link_labels() for outgoing in expected_outgoing_labels: if outgoing not in link_labels: raise AssertionError( "missing outgoing node link '{}': {}".format(outgoing, link_labels) )