Source code for aiida_crystal17.parsers.raw.doss_input

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019 Chris Sewell
# This file is part of aiida-crystal17.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms and conditions
# of version 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
from aiida_crystal17.validation import validate_against_schema

[docs]def read_doss_contents(content): """ read the contents of a doss.d3 input file """ lines = content.splitlines() params = {} assert lines[0].rstrip() == "NEWK" params["shrink_is"] = int(lines[1].split()[0]) params["shrink_isp"] = int(lines[1].split()[1]) assert lines[2].rstrip() == "1 0" assert lines[3].rstrip() == "DOSS" settings = lines[4].split() assert len(settings) >= 7 npro = int(settings[0]) params["npoints"] = int(settings[1]) band_first = int(settings[2]) band_last = int(settings[3]) iplo = int(settings[4]) # noqa: F841 params["npoly"] = int(settings[5]) npr = int(settings[6]) # noqa: F841 if band_first >= 0 and band_last >= 0: params["band_minimum"] = band_first params["band_maximum"] = band_last params["band_units"] = "bands" proj_index = 5 else: params["band_minimum"] = float(lines[5].split()[0]) params["band_maximum"] = float(lines[5].split()[1]) params["band_units"] = "hartree" proj_index = 6 params["atomic_projections"] = [] params["orbital_projections"] = [] for line in lines[proj_index : proj_index + npro]: values = [int(i) for i in line.split()] if values[0] > 0: params["orbital_projections"].append(values[1:]) else: params["atomic_projections"].append(values[1:]) assert lines[proj_index + npro].rstrip() == "END" validate_against_schema(params, "prop.doss.schema.json") return params
[docs]def create_doss_content(params, validate=True): """create the contents of a doss.d3 input file Parameters ---------- params : dict validate : bool Validate the parameters against the JSON schema Returns ------- list[str] Notes ----- NPRO; number of additional (to total) projected densities to calculate (<= 15) NPT; number of uniformly spaced energy values (from bottom of band INZB to top of band IFNB) INZB; band considered in DOS calculation IFNB; last band considered in DOS calculation IPLO; output type (1 = to .d25 file) NPOL; number of Legendre polynomials used to expand DOSS (<= 25) NPR; number of printing options to switch on Unit of measurement: energy: hartree; DOSS: state/hartree/cell. """ if validate: validate_against_schema(params, "prop.doss.schema.json") lines = ["DOSS"] proj_atoms = [] proj_orbitals = [] if params.get("atomic_projections", None) is not None: proj_atoms = params["atomic_projections"] if params.get("orbital_projections", None) is not None: proj_orbitals = params["orbital_projections"] npro = len(proj_atoms) + len(proj_orbitals) units = params["band_units"] if units == "bands": inzb = int(params["band_minimum"]) ifnb = int(params["band_maximum"]) assert inzb >= 0 and ifnb >= 0 erange = None elif units == "hartree": inzb = ifnb = -1 bmin = params["band_minimum"] bmax = params["band_maximum"] erange = "{} {}".format(bmin, bmax) elif units == "eV": inzb = ifnb = -1 bmin = params["band_minimum"] / 27.21138602 bmax = params["band_maximum"] / 27.21138602 erange = "{0:.8f} {1:.8f}".format(bmin, bmax) else: raise ValueError("band_units not recognised: {}".format(units)) lines.append( "{npro} {npt} {inzb} {ifnb} {iplo} {npol} {npr}".format( npro=npro, npt=params.get("npoints", 1000), inzb=inzb, ifnb=ifnb, iplo=1, # output type (1=fort.25, 2=DOSS.DAT) npol=params.get("npoly", 14), npr=0, # number of printing options ) ) if erange is not None: lines.append(erange) if len(proj_atoms) + len(proj_orbitals) > 15: raise AssertionError("only 15 projections are allowed per calculation") for atoms in proj_atoms: lines.append("{} {}".format(-1 * len(atoms), " ".join([str(a) for a in atoms]))) for orbitals in proj_orbitals: lines.append( "{} {}".format(len(orbitals), " ".join([str(o) for o in orbitals])) ) lines.append("END") return lines