Source code for aiida_crystal17.parsers.raw.crystal_stdout

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019 Chris Sewell
# This file is part of aiida-crystal17.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms and conditions
# of version 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
"""Parse the stdout content from a CRYSTAL SCF/optimization computation.

Basic outline of parsing sections:


    OPT END -

from collections import namedtuple
import copy
from fnmatch import fnmatch
import re
import traceback

from jsonextended import edict

from aiida_crystal17.common.parsing import convert_units, split_numbers

    from distutils.util import strtobool
except ImportError:
    from distutils import strtobool

ParsedSection = namedtuple(
    "ParsedSection", ["next_lineno", "data", "parser_error", "non_terminating_error"]
ParsedSection.__new__.__defaults__ = (None,) * len(ParsedSection._fields)

# a mapping of known error messages to exit codes, in order of importance
        "Wavefunction file can not be found",
    ),  # restart error
        "SCF FAILED",
    ),  # usually found after: SCF ENDED - TOO MANY CYCLES
    ),  # usually because run out of steps
    ),  # usually found after: OPT END - FAILED
    ),  # occurs during geometry optimisations
    ("ERROR **** CHEMOD ****", "CHEMMOD_ERROR"),
    ("SCF abnormal end", "ERROR_SCF_ABNORMAL_END"),  # catch all error
    ("MPI_Abort", "ERROR_MPI_ABORT"),

    ("n_atoms", re.compile(r"\sN. OF ATOMS PER CELL\s*(\d+)", re.DOTALL)),
    ("n_shells", re.compile(r"\sNUMBER OF SHELLS\s*(\d+)", re.DOTALL)),
    ("n_ao", re.compile(r"\sNUMBER OF AO\s*(\d+)", re.DOTALL)),
    ("n_electrons", re.compile(r"\sN. OF ELECTRONS PER CELL\s*(\d+)", re.DOTALL)),
    ("n_core_el", re.compile(r"\sCORE ELECTRONS PER CELL\s*(\d+)", re.DOTALL)),
    ("n_symops", re.compile(r"\sN. OF SYMMETRY OPERATORS\s*(\d+)", re.DOTALL)),
        re.compile(r"\sNUMBER OF K POINTS IN THE IBZ\s*(\d+)", re.DOTALL),
        re.compile(r"\s NUMBER OF K POINTS\(GILAT NET\)\s*(\d+)", re.DOTALL),

[docs]def read_crystal_stdout(content): """Parse the stdout content from a CRYSTAL SCF/optimization computation to a dict.""" output = { "units": { "conversion": "CODATA2014", "energy": "eV", "length": "angstrom", "angle": "degrees", }, "errors": [], "warnings": [], "parser_errors": [], "parser_exceptions": [], } # strip non program output content, warnings = strip_non_program_output(content) output["warnings"] += warnings lines = content.splitlines() if not lines: output["parser_errors"] += ["the file is empty"] return assign_exit_code(output) # make an initial parse to find all errors/warnings and start lines for sections errors, run_warnings, parser_errors, telapse_seconds, start_lines = initial_parse( lines ) output["errors"] += errors output["warnings"] += run_warnings output["parser_errors"] += errors if telapse_seconds is not None: output["execution_time_seconds"] = telapse_seconds lineno = 0 # parse until the program header outcome = parse_section(parse_pre_header, lines, lineno, output, "non_program") if outcome is None or outcome.parser_error is not None: return assign_exit_code(output) lineno = outcome.next_lineno # parse the program header section outcome = parse_section(parse_calculation_header, lines, lineno, output, "header") if outcome is None or outcome.parser_error is not None: return assign_exit_code(output) lineno = outcome.next_lineno # parse the initial geometry input (before any editing) outcome = parse_section( parse_geometry_input, lines, lineno, output, "geometry_input" ) if outcome is None or outcome.parser_error is not None: return assign_exit_code(output) lineno = outcome.next_lineno # parse the calculation setup and initial geometry (after any editing) outcome = parse_section(parse_calculation_setup, lines, lineno, output, None) if outcome is None or outcome.parser_error is not None: return assign_exit_code(output) lineno = outcome.next_lineno # parse the initial SCF run outcome = parse_section( parse_scf_section, lines, lineno, output, ("initial_scf", "cycles") ) if outcome is None or outcome.parser_error is not None: return assign_exit_code(output) lineno = outcome.next_lineno # parse the final energy of the scf run outcome = parse_section( parse_scf_final_energy, lines, lineno, output, ("initial_scf", "final_energy") ) # Note: we don't abort on error if outcome is not None: lineno = outcome.next_lineno # TODO test these lines aren't in-between initial scf and opt: # ("* GEOMETRY EDITING", "CRYSTAL - SCF - TYPE OF CALCULATION :", "SCF ENDED") # Note: in a few runs I observed, scf maxcycle was reached, but then the scf started again! # parse the optimisation (if present) if "optimization" in start_lines: outcome = parse_section( parse_optimisation, lines, start_lines["optimization"], output, "optimisation", ) # Note: we don't abort on error if outcome is not None: lineno = outcome.next_lineno if outcome is not None and outcome.parser_error is None: # TODO do band gaps only com after optimisation? outcome = parse_section(parse_band_gaps, lines, lineno, output, "band_gaps") # Note: we don't abort on error if outcome is not None: lineno = outcome.next_lineno # parse the final optimized geometry (if present) if "final_geometry" in start_lines: outcome = parse_section( parse_final_geometry, lines, start_lines["final_geometry"], output, "final_geometry", ) # Note: we don't abort on error if outcome is not None: lineno = outcome.next_lineno if "mulliken" in start_lines: outcome = parse_section( parse_mulliken_analysis, lines, start_lines["mulliken"], output, "mulliken" ) # Note: we don't abort on error if outcome is not None: lineno = outcome.next_lineno return assign_exit_code(output)
[docs]def strip_non_program_output(content): """Remove MPI statuses, and floating point exceptions. These can get mixed with the program stdout/stderr and corrupt the output Parameters ---------- content: str Returns ------- str: content list[str]: warnings """ # TODO: removing these will affect the reporting of line numbers in errors regex = re.compile( "^\\s*PROCESS\\s*\\d+\\s*OF\\s*\\d+\\s*WORKING[^\\S\n\r]*(\r\n|\r|\n)", re.MULTILINE, ) content = re.sub(regex, "", content) regex = re.compile( "^(\\s*Note\\:\\sThe\\sfollowing\\sfloating\\-point\\sexceptions\\sare\\ssignalling.+)(\r\n|\r|\n)", re.MULTILINE, ) warnings = [li.strip() for li, _ in re.findall(regex, content)] content = re.sub(regex, "", content) return content, warnings
[docs]def parse_section(func, lines, initial_lineno, output, key_name): """parse a section of the stdout file Parameters ---------- func : callable a function that returns a `ParsedSection` object lines : list[str] initial_lineno : int output : dict current output from the parser key_name : str or list[str] or None the key_name of output to assign the data to (if None directly update) Returns ------- ParsedSection or None """ try: outcome = func(lines, initial_lineno) except Exception as err: traceback.print_exc() output["parser_exceptions"].append(str(err)) return None if if key_name is None: output.update( else: suboutput = output if isinstance(key_name, (tuple, list)): for key in key_name[:-1]: suboutput = suboutput.setdefault(key, {}) key_name = key_name[-1] suboutput[key_name] = if outcome.non_terminating_error is not None: output["errors"].append(outcome.non_terminating_error) if outcome.parser_error is not None: output["parser_errors"].append(outcome.parser_error) return outcome
[docs]def assign_exit_code(output): exit_code = 0 if output["errors"]: exit_code = "ERROR_CRYSTAL_RUN" for known_error_msg, code_name in KNOWN_ERRORS: found = False for error_msg in output["errors"]: if known_error_msg in error_msg: found = True break if found: exit_code = code_name break elif output["parser_errors"]: if any(["TESTGEOM DIRECTIVE" in msg for msg in output["warnings"]]): exit_code = "TESTGEOM_DIRECTIVE" else: exit_code = "ERROR_PARSING_STDOUT" elif output["parser_exceptions"]: exit_code = "ERROR_PARSING_STDOUT" output["exit_code"] = exit_code return output
[docs]def initial_parse(lines): """Scan the file for errors, and find the final elapsed time value.""" errors = [] warnings = [] parser_errors = [] mpi_abort = False telapse_line = None start_lines = {} second_opt_line = False # This is required since output looks like # OPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPT # STARTING GEOMETRY OPTIMIZATION - INFORMATION ON SCF MOVED TO SCFOUT.LOG # GEOMETRY OPTIMIZATION INFORMATION STORED IN OPTINFO.DAT # OPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPT for lineno, line in enumerate(lines): if "WARNING" in line.upper(): warnings.append(line.strip()) elif "ERROR" in line: # TODO ignore errors before program execution (e.g. in mpiexec setup)? if "open_hca: getaddr_netdev ERROR" not in line: errors.append(line.strip()) elif "SCF abnormal end" in line: # only present when run using runcry errors.append(line.strip()) elif "MPI_Abort" in line: # only record one mpi_abort event (to not clutter output) if not mpi_abort: errors.append(line.strip()) mpi_abort = True elif "CONVERGENCE TESTS UNSATISFIED" in line.upper(): errors.append(line.strip()) elif "TELAPSE" in line: telapse_line = lineno # search for an optimisation elif "OPTOPTOPTOPT" in line: if "optimization" in start_lines: if second_opt_line: parser_errors.append( "found two lines starting optimization section: " "{0} and {1}".format(start_lines["optimization"], lineno) ) else: second_opt_line = True start_lines["optimization"] = lineno elif ( "CONVERGENCE ON GRADIENTS SATISFIED AFTER THE FIRST OPTIMIZATION CYCLE" in line ): if "optimization" in start_lines: if second_opt_line: parser_errors.append( "found two lines starting optimization section: " "{0} and {1}".format(start_lines["optimization"], lineno) ) else: second_opt_line = True start_lines["optimization"] = lineno # search for mulliken analysis elif line.strip().startswith("MULLIKEN POPULATION ANALYSIS"): # can have ALPHA+BETA ELECTRONS and ALPHA-BETA ELECTRONS (denoted in line above mulliken_starts) start_lines.setdefault("mulliken", []).append(lineno) # search for final geometry elif "FINAL OPTIMIZED GEOMETRY" in line: if "final_geometry" in start_lines: parser_errors.append( "found two lines starting 'FINAL OPTIMIZED GEOMETRY':" " {0} and {1}".format(start_lines["final_geometry"], lineno) ) start_lines["final_geometry"] = lineno total_seconds = None if telapse_line: total_seconds = int(split_numbers(lines[telapse_line].split("TELAPSE")[1])[0]) # m, s = divmod(total_seconds, 60) # h, m = divmod(m, 60) # elapsed_time = "%d:%02d:%02d" % (h, m, s) return errors, warnings, parser_errors, total_seconds, start_lines
[docs]def parse_pre_header(lines, initial_lineno=0): """Parse any data before the program header note this is only for runs using runcry (not straight from the binary) Parameters ---------- lines: list[str] initial_lineno: int Returns ------- ParsedSection """ lineno = 0 meta_data = {} num_lines = len(lines) line = lines[lineno] for i, line in enumerate(lines[initial_lineno:]): if "************************" in line: # found start of crystal binary stdout return ParsedSection(lineno, meta_data, None) elif fnmatch(line, "date:*"): meta_data["date"] = line.replace("date:", "").strip() elif fnmatch(line, "resources_used.ncpus =*"): meta_data["nprocs"] = int(line.replace("resources_used.ncpus =", "")) lineno += 1 if lineno + 1 >= num_lines: return ParsedSection( lineno, meta_data, "couldn't find start of program header (denoted *****)", ) line = lines[lineno] return ParsedSection( lineno, meta_data, "couldn't find start of program header (denoted *****)" )
[docs]def parse_calculation_header(lines, initial_lineno): """Parse calculation header Parameters ---------- lines: list[str] initial_lineno: int Returns ------- ParsedSection """ data = {} for i, line in enumerate(lines[initial_lineno:]): if line.strip().startswith("****************") and i != 0: return ParsedSection(initial_lineno + i, data, None) if re.findall(r"\s\s\s\s\sCRYSTAL\d{2}(.*)\*", line): data["crystal_version"] = int( re.findall(r"\s\s\s\s\sCRYSTAL(\d{2})", line)[0] ) if re.findall("public\\s\\:\\s(.+)\\s\\-", line): data["crystal_subversion"] = re.findall("public\\s\\:\\s(.+)\\s\\-", line)[ 0 ] return ParsedSection(initial_lineno, data, "couldn't find end of program header")
[docs]def parse_geometry_input(lines, initial_lineno): """Parse geometry input data. Parameters ---------- lines: list[str] initial_lineno: int Returns ------- ParsedSection """ lineno = initial_lineno data = {} for i, line in enumerate(lines[initial_lineno:]): if line.strip().startswith("* GEOMETRY EDITING"): return ParsedSection(lineno + i, data, None) # TODO parse relevant data return ParsedSection( lineno, data, "couldn't find end of geometry input (denoted * GEOMETRY EDITING)" )
[docs]def parse_calculation_setup(lines, initial_lineno): """Parse initial setup data (starting after initial geometry input). Parameters ---------- lines: list[str] initial_lineno: int Returns ------- ParsedSection """ data = {"calculation": {"spin": False}, "initial_geometry": {}} end_lineno = None for i, line in enumerate(lines[initial_lineno:]): curr_lineno = initial_lineno + i line = line.strip() if line.startswith("CRYSTAL - SCF - TYPE OF CALCULATION :"): end_lineno = curr_lineno break elif line.startswith("TYPE OF CALCULATION :"): data["calculation"]["type"] = ( line.replace("TYPE OF CALCULATION :", "").strip().lower() ) if "HAMILTONIAN" in lines[curr_lineno + 1]: regex = r"\(EXCHANGE\)\[CORRELATION\] FUNCTIONAL:\((.*)\)\[(.*)\]" string = lines[curr_lineno + 3].strip() if re.match(regex, string): data["calculation"]["functional"] = { "exchange":, string).group(1), "correlation":, string).group(2), } elif "SPIN POLARIZ" in line: data["calculation"]["spin"] = True parse_geometry_section(data["initial_geometry"], curr_lineno, line, lines) parse_symmetry_section(data["initial_geometry"], curr_lineno, line, lines) if end_lineno is None: return ParsedSection( curr_lineno, data, "couldn't find start of initial scf calculation" ) content = "\n".join(lines[initial_lineno:end_lineno]) for name, regex in SYSTEM_INFO_REGEXES: match = if match is not None: data["calculation"][name] = int(match.groups()[0]) return ParsedSection(curr_lineno, data, None)
[docs]def parse_geometry_section(data, initial_lineno, line, lines): """Parse a section of geometry related variables. Parameters ---------- data: dict existing data to add the geometry data to initial_lineno: int line: str the current line lines: list[str] Notes ----- For initial and 'FINAL OPTIMIZED GEOMETRY' only:: DIRECT LATTICE VECTORS CARTESIAN COMPONENTS (ANGSTROM) X Y Z 0.355114561000E+01 0.000000000000E+00 0.000000000000E+00 0.000000000000E+00 0.355114561000E+01 0.000000000000E+00 0.000000000000E+00 0.000000000000E+00 0.535521437000E+01 CARTESIAN COORDINATES - PRIMITIVE CELL ******************************************************************************* * ATOM X(ANGSTROM) Y(ANGSTROM) Z(ANGSTROM) ******************************************************************************* 1 26 FE 0.000000000000E+00 0.000000000000E+00 0.000000000000E+00 2 26 FE 1.775572805000E+00 1.775572805000E+00 0.000000000000E+00 3 16 S -1.110223024625E-16 1.775572805000E+00 1.393426779074E+00 4 16 S 1.775572805000E+00 7.885127240037E-16 -1.393426779074E+00 For initial, final and optimisation steps: Primitive cell:: PRIMITIVE CELL - CENTRING CODE 1/0 VOLUME= 36.099581 - DENSITY 6.801 g/cm^3 A B C ALPHA BETA GAMMA 2.94439264 2.94439264 4.16400000 90.000000 90.000000 90.000000 ******************************************************************************* ATOMS IN THE ASYMMETRIC UNIT 4 - ATOMS IN THE UNIT CELL: 4 ATOM X/A Y/B Z/C ******************************************************************************* 1 T 28 NI 0.000000000000E+00 0.000000000000E+00 0.000000000000E+00 Crystallographic cell (only if the geometry is not originally primitive):: CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC CELL (VOLUME= 74.61846100) A B C ALPHA BETA GAMMA 4.21000000 4.21000000 4.21000000 90.000000 90.000000 90.000000 COORDINATES IN THE CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC CELL ATOM X/A Y/B Z/C ******************************************************************************* 1 T 12 MG 0.000000000000E+00 0.000000000000E+00 0.000000000000E+00 """ # check that units are correct (probably not needed) if fnmatch(line, "LATTICE PARAMETERS*(*)"): if not ("ANGSTROM" in line and "DEGREES" in line): raise IOError( "was expecting lattice parameters in angstroms and degrees on line:" " {0}, got: {1}".format(initial_lineno, line) ) return for pattern, field, pattern2 in [ ("PRIMITIVE*CELL*", "primitive_cell", "ATOMS IN THE ASYMMETRIC UNIT*"), ( "CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC*CELL*", "crystallographic_cell", "COORDINATES IN THE CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC CELL", ), ]: if fnmatch(line, pattern): if not fnmatch(lines[initial_lineno + 1].strip(), "A*B*C*ALPHA*BETA*GAMMA"): raise IOError( "was expecting A B C ALPHA BETA GAMMA on line:" " {0}, got: {1}".format( initial_lineno + 1, lines[initial_lineno + 1] ) ) data[field] = edict.merge( [ data.get(field, {}), { "cell_parameters": dict( zip( ["a", "b", "c", "alpha", "beta", "gamma"], split_numbers(lines[initial_lineno + 2]), ) ) }, ] ) elif fnmatch(line, pattern2): periodic = [True, True, True] if not fnmatch(lines[initial_lineno + 1].strip(), "ATOM*X/A*Y/B*Z/C"): # for 2d (slab) can get z in angstrom (and similar for 1d) if fnmatch( lines[initial_lineno + 1].strip(), "ATOM*X/A*Y/B*Z(ANGSTROM)*" ): periodic = [True, True, False] elif fnmatch( lines[initial_lineno + 1].strip(), "ATOM*X/A*Y(ANGSTROM)*Z(ANGSTROM)*", ): periodic = [True, False, False] elif fnmatch( lines[initial_lineno + 1].strip(), "ATOM*X(ANGSTROM)*Y(ANGSTROM)*Z(ANGSTROM)*", ): periodic = [False, False, False] cell_params = dict( zip( ["a", "b", "c", "alpha", "beta", "gamma"], [500.0, 500.0, 500.0, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0], ) ) data[field] = edict.merge( [data.get(field, {}), {"cell_parameters": cell_params}] ) else: raise IOError( "was expecting ATOM X Y Z (in units of ANGSTROM or fractional) on line:" " {0}, got: {1}".format( initial_lineno + 1, lines[initial_lineno + 1] ) ) if not all(periodic) and "cell_parameters" not in data.get(field, {}): raise IOError( "require cell parameters to have been set for non-periodic directions in line" " #{0} : {1}".format(initial_lineno + 1, lines[initial_lineno + 1]) ) a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma = [None] * 6 if not all(periodic): cell = data[field]["cell_parameters"] a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma = [ cell[p] for p in ["a", "b", "c", "alpha", "beta", "gamma"] ] curr_lineno = initial_lineno + 3 atom_data = { "ids": [], "assymetric": [], "atomic_numbers": [], "symbols": [], } atom_data["pbc"] = periodic while ( lines[curr_lineno].strip() and not lines[curr_lineno].strip()[0].isalpha() ): fields = lines[curr_lineno].strip().split() atom_data["ids"].append(fields[0]) atom_data["assymetric"].append(bool(strtobool(fields[1]))) atom_data["atomic_numbers"].append(int(fields[2])) atom_data["symbols"].append(fields[3].lower().capitalize()) if all(periodic): atom_data.setdefault("fcoords", []).append( [float(fields[4]), float(fields[5]), float(fields[6])] ) elif periodic == [True, True, False] and alpha == 90 and beta == 90: atom_data.setdefault("fcoords", []).append( [float(fields[4]), float(fields[5]), float(fields[6]) / c] ) elif periodic == [False, False, False]: atom_data.setdefault("ccoords", []).append( [float(fields[4]), float(fields[5]), float(fields[6])] ) # TODO other periodic types (1D) curr_lineno += 1 data[field] = edict.merge([data.get(field, {}), atom_data]) # TODO These coordinates are present in initial and final optimized sections, # but DON'T work with lattice parameters if fnmatch(line, "CARTESIAN COORDINATES - PRIMITIVE CELL*"): if not fnmatch( lines[initial_lineno + 2].strip(), "*ATOM*X(ANGSTROM)*Y(ANGSTROM)*Z(ANGSTROM)", ): raise IOError( "was expecting ATOM X(ANGSTROM) Y(ANGSTROM) Z(ANGSTROM) on line:" " {0}, got: {1}".format(initial_lineno + 2, lines[initial_lineno + 2]) ) curr_lineno = initial_lineno + 4 atom_data = {"ids": [], "atomic_numbers": [], "symbols": [], "ccoords": []} while ( lines[curr_lineno].strip() and not lines[curr_lineno].strip()[0].isalpha() ): fields = lines[curr_lineno].strip().split() if len(fields) < 6: raise IOError( "was expecting ID ANUM SYMBOL X Y Z on line:" " {0}, got: {1}".format(curr_lineno, lines[curr_lineno]) ) atom_data["ids"].append(fields[0]) atom_data["atomic_numbers"].append(int(fields[1])) atom_data["symbols"].append(fields[2].lower().capitalize()) atom_data["ccoords"].append( [float(fields[3]), float(fields[4]), float(fields[5])] ) curr_lineno += 1 data["primitive_cell"] = edict.merge( [data.get("primitive_cell", {}), atom_data] ) elif fnmatch(line, "DIRECT LATTICE VECTORS CARTESIAN COMPONENTS*"): if "ANGSTROM" not in line: raise IOError( "was expecting lattice vectors in angstroms on line:" " {0}, got: {1}".format(initial_lineno, line) ) if not fnmatch(lines[initial_lineno + 1].strip(), "X*Y*Z"): raise IOError( "was expecting X Y Z on line:" " {0}, got: {1}".format(initial_lineno + 1, lines[initial_lineno + 1]) ) if "crystallographic_cell" not in data: data["crystallographic_cell"] = {} if "cell_vectors" in data["crystallographic_cell"]: raise IOError( "found multiple cell vectors on line:" " {0}, got: {1}".format(initial_lineno + 1, lines[initial_lineno + 1]) ) vectors = { "a": split_numbers(lines[initial_lineno + 2]), "b": split_numbers(lines[initial_lineno + 3]), "c": split_numbers(lines[initial_lineno + 4]), } data["primitive_cell"]["cell_vectors"] = vectors
[docs]def parse_symmetry_section(data, initial_lineno, line, lines): """update dict with symmetry related variables Parameters ---------- data: dict existing data to add the geometry data to initial_lineno: int line: str the current line lines: list[str] """ if fnmatch(line, "*SYMMOPS - TRANSLATORS IN FRACTIONAL UNITS*"): nums = split_numbers(line) if not len(nums) == 1: raise IOError( "was expecting a single number, representing the number of symmops, on this line:" " {0}, got: {1}".format(initial_lineno, line) ) nsymmops = int(nums[0]) if not fnmatch( lines[initial_lineno + 1], "*MATRICES AND TRANSLATORS IN THE CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC REFERENCE FRAME*", ): raise IOError( "was expecting CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC REFERENCE FRAME on this line" " {0}, got: {1}".format( initial_lineno + 1, lines[initial_lineno + 1].strip() ) ) if not fnmatch( lines[initial_lineno + 2], "*V*INV*ROTATION MATRICES*TRANSLATORS*" ): raise IOError( "was expecting symmetry headers on this line" " {0}, got: {1}".format( initial_lineno + 2, lines[initial_lineno + 2].strip() ) ) symmops = [] for j in range(nsymmops): values = split_numbers(lines[initial_lineno + 3 + j]) if not len(values) == 14: raise IOError( "was expecting 14 values for symmetry data on this line" " {0}, got: {1}".format( initial_lineno + 3 + j, lines[initial_lineno + 3 + j].strip() ) ) symmops.append(values[2:14]) data["primitive_symmops"] = symmops
[docs]def parse_scf_section(lines, initial_lineno, final_lineno=None): """read scf data Parameters ---------- lines: list[str] initial_lineno: int final_lineno: int or None Returns ------- ParsedSection """ scf = [] scf_cyc = None last_cyc_num = None for k, line in enumerate(lines[initial_lineno:]): curr_lineno = k + initial_lineno if "SCF ENDED" in line or ( final_lineno is not None and curr_lineno == final_lineno ): # add last scf cycle if scf_cyc: scf.append(scf_cyc) if "CONVERGE" not in line: return ParsedSection(curr_lineno, scf, None, line.strip()) else: return ParsedSection(curr_lineno, scf, None) line = line.strip() if fnmatch(line, "CYC*"): # start new cycle if scf_cyc is not None: scf.append(scf_cyc) scf_cyc = {} # check we are adding them in sequential order cur_cyc_num = split_numbers(line)[0] if last_cyc_num is not None: if cur_cyc_num != last_cyc_num + 1: return ParsedSection( curr_lineno, scf, "was expecting the SCF cyle number to be {0} in line {1}: {2}".format( int(last_cyc_num + 1), curr_lineno, line ), ) last_cyc_num = cur_cyc_num if fnmatch(line, "*ETOT*"): if not fnmatch(line, "*ETOT(AU)*"): raise IOError( "was expecting units in a.u. on line {0}, " "got: {1}".format(curr_lineno, line) ) # this is the initial energy of the configuration and so actually the energy of the previous run if scf: scf[-1]["energy"] = scf[-1].get("energy", {}) scf[-1]["energy"]["total"] = convert_units( split_numbers(line)[1], "hartree", "eV" ) elif scf_cyc is None: continue # The total magnetization is the integral of the magnetization in the cell: # MT=∫ (nup-ndown) d3 r # # The absolute magnetization is the integral of the absolute value of the magnetization in the cell: # MA=∫ |nup-ndown| d3 r # # In a simple ferromagnetic material they should be equal (except possibly for an overall sign). # In simple antiferromagnets (like FeO) MT is zero and MA is twice the magnetization of each of the two atoms. if line.startswith("CHARGE NORMALIZATION FACTOR"): scf_cyc[ "CHARGE NORMALIZATION FACTOR".lower().replace(" ", "_") ] = split_numbers(line)[0] if line.startswith("SUMMED SPIN DENSITY"): scf_cyc["spin_density_total"] = split_numbers(line)[0] if line.startswith("TOTAL ATOMIC CHARGES"): scf_cyc["atomic_charges_peratom"] = [] j = curr_lineno + 1 while len(lines[j].strip().split()) == len(split_numbers(lines[j])): scf_cyc["atomic_charges_peratom"] += split_numbers(lines[j]) j += 1 if line.startswith("TOTAL ATOMIC SPINS"): scf_cyc["spin_density_peratom"] = [] j = curr_lineno + 1 while len(lines[j].strip().split()) == len(split_numbers(lines[j])): scf_cyc["spin_density_peratom"] += split_numbers(lines[j]) j += 1 scf_cyc["spin_density_absolute"] = sum( [abs(s) for s in split_numbers(lines[curr_lineno + 1])] ) # add last scf cycle if scf_cyc: scf.append(scf_cyc) return ParsedSection( curr_lineno, scf, "Did not find end of SCF section (starting on line {})".format(initial_lineno), )
[docs]def parse_scf_final_energy(lines, initial_lineno, final_lineno=None): """read post initial scf data Parameters ---------- lines: list[str] initial_lineno: int Returns ------- """ scf_energy = {} for i, line in enumerate(lines[initial_lineno:]): if final_lineno is not None and i + initial_lineno == final_lineno: return ParsedSection(final_lineno, scf_energy) if line.strip().startswith("TTTTTTT") or line.strip().startswith("******"): return ParsedSection(final_lineno, scf_energy) if fnmatch(line.strip(), "TOTAL ENERGY*DE*"): if not fnmatch(line.strip(), "TOTAL ENERGY*AU*DE*"): raise IOError( "was expecting units in a.u. on line:" " {0}, got: {1}".format(initial_lineno + i, line) ) if "total_corrected" in scf_energy: raise IOError( "total corrected energy found twice, on line:" " {0}, got: {1}".format(initial_lineno + i, line) ) scf_energy["total_corrected"] = convert_units( split_numbers(line)[1], "hartree", "eV" ) return ParsedSection( final_lineno, scf_energy, "Did not find end of Post SCF section (starting on line {})".format( initial_lineno ), )
[docs]def parse_optimisation(lines, initial_lineno): """read geometric optimisation Parameters ---------- lines: list[str] initial_lineno: int Returns ------- ParsedSection """ if ( "CONVERGENCE ON GRADIENTS SATISFIED AFTER THE FIRST OPTIMIZATION CYCLE" in lines[initial_lineno] ): for k, line in enumerate(lines[initial_lineno:]): curr_lineno = initial_lineno + k line = line.strip() if "OPT END -" in line: if not fnmatch(line, "*E(AU)*"): raise IOError( "was expecting units in a.u. on line:" " {0}, got: {1}".format(curr_lineno, line) ) data = [ { "energy": { "total_corrected": convert_units( split_numbers(line)[0], "hartree", "eV" ) } } ] return ParsedSection(curr_lineno, data) return ParsedSection( curr_lineno, [], "did not find 'OPT END', after optimisation start at line {}".format( initial_lineno ), ) opt_cycles = [] opt_cyc = None scf_start_no = None failed_opt_step = False for k, line in enumerate(lines[initial_lineno:]): curr_lineno = initial_lineno + k line = line.strip() if "OPT END -" in line: if opt_cyc and not failed_opt_step: opt_cycles.append(opt_cyc) return ParsedSection(curr_lineno, opt_cycles) if fnmatch(line, "*OPTIMIZATION*POINT*"): if opt_cyc is not None and not failed_opt_step: opt_cycles.append(opt_cyc) opt_cyc = {} scf_start_no = None failed_opt_step = False elif opt_cyc is None: continue # when using ONELOG optimisation key word if "CRYSTAL - SCF - TYPE OF CALCULATION :" in line: if scf_start_no is not None: return ParsedSection( curr_lineno, opt_cycles, "found two lines starting scf ('CRYSTAL - SCF - ') in opt step {0}:".format( len(opt_cycles) ) + " {0} and {1}".format(scf_start_no, curr_lineno), ) scf_start_no = curr_lineno elif "SCF ENDED" in line: if "CONVERGE" not in line: pass # errors.append(line.strip()) outcome = parse_scf_section(lines, scf_start_no + 1, curr_lineno + 1) # TODO test if error opt_cyc["scf"] = parse_geometry_section(opt_cyc, curr_lineno, line, lines) # TODO move to read_post_scf? if fnmatch(line, "TOTAL ENERGY*DE*"): if not fnmatch(line, "TOTAL ENERGY*AU*DE*AU*"): return ParsedSection( curr_lineno, opt_cycles, "was expecting units in a.u. on line:" " {0}, got: {1}".format(curr_lineno, line), ) opt_cyc["energy"] = opt_cyc.get("energy", {}) opt_cyc["energy"]["total_corrected"] = convert_units( split_numbers(line)[1], "hartree", "eV" ) for param in ["MAX GRADIENT", "RMS GRADIENT", "MAX DISPLAC", "RMS DISPLAC"]: if fnmatch(line, "{}*CONVERGED*".format(param)): if "convergence" not in opt_cyc: opt_cyc["convergence"] = {} opt_cyc["convergence"][param.lower().replace(" ", "_")] = bool( strtobool(line.split()[-1]) ) if fnmatch(line, "*SCF DID NOT CONVERGE. RETRYING WITH A SMALLER OPT STEP*"): # TODO add failed optimisation steps with dummy energy and extra parameter? # for now discard this optimisation step failed_opt_step = True if opt_cyc and not failed_opt_step: opt_cycles.append(opt_cyc) return ParsedSection( curr_lineno, opt_cycles, "did not find 'OPT END', after optimisation start at line {}".format( initial_lineno ), )
[docs]def parse_final_geometry(lines, initial_lineno): """read final optimized geometry section Parameters ---------- lines: list[str] initial_lineno: int Returns ------- ParsedSection """ data = {} for i, line in enumerate(lines[initial_lineno:]): line = line.strip() parse_geometry_section(data, initial_lineno + i, line, lines) parse_symmetry_section(data, initial_lineno + i, line, lines) # TODO handle exceptions # TODO breaking line? return ParsedSection(initial_lineno + i, data)
[docs]def parse_band_gaps(lines, initial_lineno): """read band gap information Note: this is new for CRYSTAL17 Parameters ---------- lines: list[str] initial_lineno: int Returns ------- ParsedSection """ band_gaps = {} for k, line in enumerate(lines[initial_lineno:]): curr_lineno = initial_lineno + k line = line.strip() # TODO breaking line? # TODO use regex: # re.compile(r"(DIRECT|INDIRECT) ENERGY BAND GAP:\s*([.\d]*)", # re.DOTALL), if "BAND GAP" in line: if fnmatch(line.strip(), "ALPHA BAND GAP:*eV"): bgvalue = split_numbers(line)[0] bgtype = "alpha" elif fnmatch(line.strip(), "BETA BAND GAP:*eV"): bgvalue = split_numbers(line)[0] bgtype = "beta" elif fnmatch(line.strip(), "BAND GAP:*eV"): bgvalue = split_numbers(line)[0] bgtype = "all" else: return ParsedSection( initial_lineno, band_gaps, "found a band gap of unknown format at line {0}: {1}".format( curr_lineno, line ), ) if bgtype in band_gaps: return ParsedSection( initial_lineno, band_gaps, "band gap data already contains {0} value before line {1}: {2}".format( bgtype, curr_lineno, line ), ) band_gaps[bgtype] = bgvalue return ParsedSection(initial_lineno, band_gaps)
[docs]def parse_mulliken_analysis(lines, mulliken_indices): """ Parameters ---------- lines: list[str] mulliken_indices: list[int] Returns ------- ParsedSection """ mulliken = {} for i, indx in enumerate(mulliken_indices): name = lines[indx - 1].strip().lower() key_name = name.replace(" ", "_") if not ( name == "ALPHA+BETA ELECTRONS".lower() or name == "ALPHA-BETA ELECTRONS".lower() ): return ParsedSection( mulliken_indices[0], mulliken, "was expecting mulliken to be alpha+beta or alpha-beta on line:" " {0}, got: {1}".format(indx - 1, lines[indx - 1]), ) if len(mulliken_indices) > i + 1: searchlines = lines[indx + 1 : mulliken_indices[i + 1]] else: searchlines = lines[indx + 1 :] data_ao = {} data_shell = {} for j, line in enumerate(searchlines): if fnmatch(line.strip(), "*ATOM*Z*CHARGE*A.O.*POPULATION*"): charge_line = j + 2 while ( searchlines[charge_line].strip() and not searchlines[charge_line].strip()[0].isalpha() ): fields = searchlines[charge_line].strip().split() # a.o. population can wrap multiple lines if len(fields) != len(split_numbers(searchlines[charge_line])): data_ao.setdefault("ids", []).append(int(fields[0])) data_ao.setdefault("symbols", []).append( fields[1].lower().capitalize() ) data_ao.setdefault("atomic_numbers", []).append(int(fields[2])) data_ao.setdefault("charges", []).append(float(fields[3])) data_ao.setdefault("aos", []).append( [float(f) for f in fields[4:]] ) else: data_ao["aos"][-1].extend( split_numbers(searchlines[charge_line]) ) charge_line += 1 elif fnmatch(line.strip(), "*ATOM*Z*CHARGE*SHELL*POPULATION*"): charge_line = j + 2 while ( searchlines[charge_line].strip() and not searchlines[charge_line].strip()[0].isalpha() ): fields = searchlines[charge_line].strip().split() # shell population can wrap multiple lines if len(fields) != len(split_numbers(searchlines[charge_line])): data_shell.setdefault("ids", []).append(int(fields[0])) data_shell.setdefault("symbols", []).append( fields[1].lower().capitalize() ) data_shell.setdefault("atomic_numbers", []).append( int(fields[2]) ) data_shell.setdefault("charges", []).append(float(fields[3])) data_shell.setdefault("shells", []).append( [float(f) for f in fields[4:]] ) else: data_shell["shells"][-1].extend( split_numbers(searchlines[charge_line]) ) charge_line += 1 # TODO check consistency of ids, ... data_ao.update(data_shell) mulliken[key_name] = data_ao return ParsedSection(mulliken_indices[0], mulliken)
[docs]def extract_final_info(parsed_data): """Extract the final energies and primitive geometry/symmetry from the relevant sections of the parse data (depending if it was an optimisation or not) """ data = {} if "final_geometry" in parsed_data: data = parsed_data["final_geometry"] if "primitive_cell" not in data: if "optimisation" in parsed_data: data["primitive_cell"] = copy.deepcopy( parsed_data["optimisation"][-1].get("primitive_cell", None) ) elif "initial_geometry" in parsed_data: data["primitive_cell"] = copy.deepcopy( parsed_data["initial_geometry"].get("primitive_cell", None) ) else: raise ValueError("no primitive_cell available in parsed data") if "energy" not in data: if "optimisation" in parsed_data: energies = parsed_data["optimisation"][-1].get("energy", {}) if "total_corrected" not in energies: raise ValueError("no optimised energy available in parsed data") data["energy"] = energies["total_corrected"] elif "initial_scf" in parsed_data: energies = parsed_data["initial_scf"].get("final_energy", {}) if "total_corrected" not in energies: raise ValueError("no scf energy available in parsed data") data["energy"] = energies["total_corrected"] else: raise ValueError("no energy available in parsed data") if "primitive_symmops" not in data: if "optimisation" in parsed_data: raise ValueError( "optimisation, but no primitive_symops specified in final_geometry" ) if ( "initial_geometry" in parsed_data and "primitive_symmops" in parsed_data["initial_geometry"] ): data["primitive_symmops"] = copy.deepcopy( parsed_data["initial_geometry"]["primitive_symmops"] ) else: raise ValueError("no primitive_symops available in parsed data") return data