Source code for aiida_crystal17.parsers.raw.crystal_fort25

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019 Chris Sewell
# This file is part of aiida-crystal17.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms and conditions
# of version 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
import numpy as np

from aiida_crystal17.common.parsing import convert_units, split_numbers

    0: "closed shell, insulating system",
    1: "open shell, insulating system",
    2: "closed shell, conducting system",
    3: "open shell, conducting system",

[docs]def parse_crystal_fort25(content): """Parse the fort.25 output from CRYSTAL. Notes ----- File Format: :: 1ST RECORD : -%-,IHFERM,TYPE,NROW,NCOL,DX,DY,COSXY (format : A3,I1,A4,2I5,1P,(3E12.5)) 2ND RECORD : X0,Y0 (format : 1P,6E12.5) 3RD RECORD : I1,I2,I3,I4,I5,I6 (format : 6I3) 4TH RECORD AND FOLLOWING : ((RDAT(I,J),I=1,NROW),J=1,NCOL) (format : 1P,6E12.5) Meaning of the variables: 1 NROW 1 (DOSS are written one projection at a time) NCOL number of energy points in which the DOS is calculated DX energy increment (hartree) DY not used COSXY Fermi energy (hartree) 2 X0 energy corresponding to the first point Y0 not used 3 I1 number of the projection; I2 number of atomic orbitals of the projection; I3,I4,I5,I6 not used 4 RO(J),J=1,NCOL DOS: density of states ro(eps(j)) (atomic units). """ system_type = None fermi_energy = None energy_delta = None initial_energy = None len_dos = None alpha_projections = {} beta_projections = {} proj_number = 0 lines = content.splitlines() lineno = 0 while lineno < len(lines): line = lines[lineno].strip() if line.startswith("-%-"): proj_number += 1 if system_type is None: system_type = line[3] elif not system_type == line[3]: raise IOError( "projection {0} has different system type ({1}) to previous ({2})".format( proj_number, line[3], system_type ) ) if not line[4:8] == "DOSS": raise IOError("projection {0} is not of type DOSS".format(proj_number)) nrows, ncols, _, denergy, fermi = split_numbers(line[8:]) # nrows, ncols = (int(nrows), int(ncols)) if energy_delta is None: energy_delta = denergy elif not energy_delta == denergy: raise IOError( "projection {0} has different delta energy ({1}) to previous ({2})".format( proj_number, denergy, energy_delta ) ) if fermi_energy is None: fermi_energy = fermi elif not fermi_energy == fermi: raise IOError( "projection {0} has different fermi energy ({1}) to previous ({2})".format( proj_number, fermi, fermi_energy ) ) lineno += 1 line = lines[lineno].strip() ienergy = split_numbers(line)[1] if initial_energy is None: initial_energy = ienergy elif not initial_energy == ienergy: raise IOError( "projection {0} has different initial energy ({1}) to previous ({2})".format( proj_number, ienergy, initial_energy ) ) lineno += 1 line = lines[lineno].strip() projid, norbitals, _, _, _, _ = [int(i) for i in line.split()] lineno += 1 line = lines[lineno].strip() dos = [] while not line.startswith("-%-"): dos += split_numbers(line) if lineno + 1 >= len(lines): break lineno += 1 line = lines[lineno].strip() if len_dos is None: len_dos = len(dos) elif not len_dos == len(dos): raise IOError( "projection {0} has different dos value lengths ({1}) to previous ({2})".format( proj_number, len(dos), len_dos ) ) if projid not in alpha_projections: alpha_projections[projid] = { "id": projid, "norbitals": norbitals, "dos": dos, } elif projid in beta_projections: raise IOError( "three data sets with same projid ({0}) were found".format(projid) ) else: beta_projections[projid] = { "id": projid, "norbitals": norbitals, "dos": dos, } else: lineno += 1 system_type = IHFERM_MAP[int(system_type)] fermi_energy = convert_units(float(fermi_energy), "hartree", "eV") energy_delta = convert_units(float(energy_delta), "hartree", "eV") initial_energy = convert_units(float(initial_energy), "hartree", "eV") len_dos = int(len_dos) energies = np.linspace( initial_energy, initial_energy + len_dos * energy_delta, len_dos ).tolist() total_alpha = None total_beta = None if alpha_projections: total_alpha = alpha_projections.pop(max(alpha_projections.keys())) if beta_projections: total_beta = beta_projections.pop(max(beta_projections.keys())) return { "units": {"conversion": "CODATA2014", "energy": "eV"}, "energy": energies, "system_type": system_type, "fermi_energy": fermi_energy, "total_alpha": total_alpha, "total_beta": total_beta, "projections_alpha": list(alpha_projections.values()) if alpha_projections else None, "projections_beta": list(beta_projections.values()) if beta_projections else None, }
[docs]def parse_crystal_fort25_aiida(fileobj): """Take the result from `parse_crystal_fort25` and prepares it for AiiDA output.""" content = if not content.strip(): raise IOError("the file is empty") read_data = parse_crystal_fort25(content) results_data = {} results_data["fermi_energy"] = read_data["fermi_energy"] results_data["units"] = read_data["units"] results_data["system_type"] = read_data["system_type"] array_data = {} array_data["energies"] = read_data["energy"] results_data["npts"] = len(array_data["energies"]) results_data["energy_max"] = max(array_data["energies"]) results_data["energy_min"] = min(array_data["energies"]) total_alpha = read_data["total_alpha"]["dos"] results_data["norbitals_total"] = read_data["total_alpha"]["norbitals"] if read_data["total_beta"] is not None: results_data["spin"] = True total_beta = read_data["total_beta"]["dos"] assert len(total_alpha) == len(total_beta) else: results_data["spin"] = False if read_data["projections_alpha"] is not None: results_data["norbitals_projections"] = [ p["norbitals"] for p in read_data["projections_alpha"] ] projected_alpha = [p["dos"] for p in read_data["projections_alpha"]] if read_data["projections_beta"] is not None: projected_beta = [p["dos"] for p in read_data["projections_beta"]] assert len(projected_alpha) == len(projected_beta) if read_data["total_beta"] is None: array_data["total"] = total_alpha else: array_data["total_alpha"] = total_alpha array_data["total_beta"] = total_beta if read_data["projections_alpha"] is not None: if read_data["projections_beta"] is not None: array_data["projections_alpha"] = projected_alpha array_data["projections_beta"] = projected_beta else: array_data["projections"] = projected_alpha return results_data, array_data