Source code for aiida_crystal17.immigration.create_inputs

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019 Chris Sewell
# This file is part of aiida-crystal17.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms and conditions
# of version 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
module to create inputs from existing CRYSTAL17 runs
import os
import tempfile

from aiida.common.exceptions import OutputParsingError
from aiida.common.folders import SandboxFolder
from aiida.plugins import CalculationFactory, DataFactory
import ase

from aiida_crystal17.parsers.raw import crystal_stdout
from aiida_crystal17.parsers.raw.inputd12_read import extract_data

# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
[docs]def populate_builder(remote_data, code=None, metadata=None): """create ``crystal17.main`` input nodes from an existing run NB: none of the nodes are stored, also existing basis will be retrieved if availiable Parameters ---------- folder: aiida.common.folders.Folder or str folder containing the input and output files remote_data: aiida.orm.RemoteData containing the input and output files required for parsing code: str or or None metadata: dict or None calculation metadata Returns ------- aiida.engine.processes.ProcessBuilder """ calc_cls = CalculationFactory("crystal17.main") basis_cls = DataFactory("crystal17.basisset") struct_cls = DataFactory("structure") symmetry_cls = DataFactory("crystal17.symmetry") kind_cls = DataFactory("crystal17.kinds") # get files in_file_name = calc_cls.spec_options.get("input_file_name").default out_file_name = calc_cls.spec_options.get("output_main_file_name").default if metadata and "options" in metadata: in_file_name = metadata["options"].get("input_file_name", in_file_name) out_file_name = metadata["options"].get("output_main_file_name", out_file_name) remote_files = remote_data.listdir() if in_file_name not in remote_files: raise IOError( "The input file '{}' is not contained in the remote_data folder. " "If it has a different name, change " "metadata['options]['input_file_name']".format(in_file_name) ) if out_file_name not in remote_files: raise IOError( "The output file '{}' is not contained in the remote_data folder. " "If it has a different name, change " "metadata['options]['output_main_file_name']".format(out_file_name) ) with SandboxFolder() as folder: remote_data.getfile(in_file_name, os.path.join(folder.abspath, in_file_name)) with, mode="r") as handle: param_dict, basis_sets, atom_props = extract_data( remote_data.getfile(out_file_name, os.path.join(folder.abspath, out_file_name)) with, mode="r") as handle: try: data = crystal_stdout.read_crystal_stdout( except IOError as err: raise OutputParsingError( "Error in CRYSTAL 17 run output: {}".format(err) ) # we retrieve the initial primitive geometry and symmetry atoms = _create_atoms(data, "initial_geometry") # convert fragment (i.e. unfixed) to fixed if "fragment" in atom_props: frag = atom_props.pop("fragment") atom_props["fixed"] = [ i + 1 for i in range(atoms.get_number_of_atoms()) if i + 1 not in frag ] atoms.set_tags(_create_tags(atom_props, atoms)) structure = struct_cls(ase=atoms) if atom_props: kind_names = structure.get_kind_names() kinds_dict = {"kind_names": kind_names} for key, atom_indexes in atom_props.items(): kv_map = { kn: i + 1 in atom_indexes for i, kn in enumerate(structure.get_site_kindnames()) } kinds_dict[key] = [kv_map[kn] for kn in kind_names] kinds = kind_cls(data=kinds_dict) else: kinds = None symmetry = symmetry_cls( data={ "operations": data["initial_geometry"]["primitive_symmops"], "basis": "fractional", "hall_number": None, } ) bases = {} for bset in basis_sets: bfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) try: with open(, "w") as f: f.write(bset) bdata, _ = basis_cls.get_or_create(, use_first=False, store_basis=False ) # TODO report if bases created or retrieved finally: os.remove( bases[bdata.element] = bdata builder = calc_cls.create_builder( param_dict, structure, bases, symmetry=symmetry, kinds=kinds, code=code, metadata=metadata, ) return builder
[docs]def _create_atoms(data, section): """create ase.Atoms from stdout parsed data""" cell_data = data[section]["primitive_cell"] cell_vectors = [] for n in "a b c".split(): cell_vectors.append(cell_data["cell_vectors"][n]) ccoords = cell_data["ccoords"] atoms = ase.Atoms( cell=cell_vectors, pbc=cell_data["pbc"], symbols=cell_data["symbols"], positions=ccoords, ) return atoms
[docs]def _create_tags(atom_props, atoms): """create tags based on atom properties""" kinds = {} for i, symbol in enumerate(atoms.get_chemical_symbols()): signature = [] kinds[symbol] = kinds.get(symbol, {}) for key, val in atom_props.items(): if i + 1 in val: signature.append(key) signature = ".".join(signature) kinds[symbol][signature] = kinds[symbol].get(signature, []) + [i + 1] tags = [] for i, symbol in enumerate(atoms.get_chemical_symbols()): for j, key in enumerate(sorted(kinds[symbol].keys())): if i + 1 in kinds[symbol][key]: tags.append(j) assert len(tags) == atoms.get_number_of_atoms() return tags