Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019 Chris Sewell
# This file is part of aiida-crystal17.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms and conditions
# of version 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
"""Aiida data type to store a gaussian cube."""
from contextlib import contextmanager
import io
import os
import tempfile
from zipfile import ZIP_DEFLATED, ZipFile

from aiida.orm import Data
import ase
import numpy as np

from aiida_crystal17.common import SYMBOLS
from aiida_crystal17.parsers.raw.gaussian_cube import read_gaussian_cube

[docs]class GaussianCube(Data): """Aiida data type to store a gaussian cube. The file is stored within a compressed zip folder, reducing storage space. The specification can be found at: CRYSTAL outputs include DENSCUBE.DAT, SPINCUBE.DAT, POTCUBE.DAT. """ _zip_filename = "" _cube_filename = "gaussian.cube" _compression_method = ZIP_DEFLATED def __init__(self, fileobj, binary=True, **kwargs): """Store a gaussian cube file. Parameters ---------- fileobj : str or file-like the file or path to the file binary : bool whether the file is opened in binary mode """ super(GaussianCube, self).__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(fileobj, str): self.set_from_filepath(fileobj) else: self.set_from_fileobj(fileobj, binary=binary)
[docs] def set_from_filepath(self, filepath): """Store a gaussian cube file, given a path to the file. Parameters ---------- filepath : str """ self.reset_attributes({}) # read the header of the file with, "r") as handle: cube_data = read_gaussian_cube( handle, return_density=False, dist_units="angstrom" ) # Write the zip to a temporary file, and then add it to the node repository with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp_handle: with ZipFile(temp_handle, "w", self._compression_method) as zip_file: zip_file.write(filepath, arcname=self._cube_filename) # Flush and rewind the temporary handle, # otherwise the command to store it in the repo will write an empty file temp_handle.flush() self.put_object_from_filelike( temp_handle, self._zip_filename, mode="wb", encoding=None ) # store information about the zip file self.set_attribute("zip_filename", self._zip_filename) self.set_attribute("cube_filename", self._cube_filename) self.set_attribute("compression_method", self._compression_method) # store some basic information about the cube self.set_attribute("cell", cube_data.cell) self.set_attribute("header", cube_data.header) self.set_attribute("voxel_grid", cube_data.voxel_grid) self.set_attribute("units", cube_data.units) self.set_attribute( "elements", list( sorted([SYMBOLS.get(n, n) for n in set(cube_data.atoms_atomic_number)]) ), )
[docs] def set_from_fileobj(self, fileobj, binary=True): """Store a gaussian cube file, given a handle to the file. Parameters ---------- fileobj : file-like binary : bool whether the file is opened in binary mode """ path = None try: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( mode="wb" if binary else "w", delete=False ) as temp_handle: temp_handle.write( path = self.set_from_filepath(path) finally: if path: os.remove(path)
[docs] @contextmanager def open_cube_file(self, binary=False): """Open a file handle to the gaussian cube file.""" zip_filename = self.get_attribute("zip_filename") compression_method = self.get_attribute("compression_method") cube_filename = self.get_attribute("cube_filename") with, mode="rb") as handle: with ZipFile(handle, "r", compression_method) as zip_file: with as file_handle: if binary: yield file_handle else: yield io.TextIOWrapper(file_handle)
[docs] def get_cube_data(self, return_density=False, dist_units="angstrom"): """Parse gaussian cube files to a data structure. Parameters ---------- return_density : bool whether to read and return the density values dist_units : str the distance units to return Returns ------- aiida_crystal17.parsers.raw.gaussian_cube.GcubeResult """ # TODO cache with self.open_cube_file() as handle: cube_data = read_gaussian_cube( handle, return_density=return_density, dist_units=dist_units ) return cube_data
[docs] def get_ase(self, pbc=(True, True, True)): """Return the ``ase.Atoms`` for the structure.""" cube_data = self.get_cube_data(return_density=False, dist_units="angstrom") return ase.Atoms( cell=cube_data.cell, positions=cube_data.atoms_positions, numbers=cube_data.atoms_atomic_number, pbc=pbc, )
[docs] def compute_integration_cell(self): """Integrate the density over the full cell.""" data = self.get_cube_data(return_density=True) voxel_volume = np.linalg.det(data.voxel_cell) return np.sum(data.density) * voxel_volume
[docs] def compute_integration_sphere(self, positions, radius, pbc=(True, True, True)): """Integrate the density over a sphere. Parameters ---------- positions : list (x, y, z) or list of (x, y, z) radius : float must be less than the shortest periodic cell vector length pbc : list[bool] periodic dimensions Returns ------- float """ assert np.array(pbc).shape == (3,) if np.array(positions).shape == (3,): positions = [positions] positions = np.array(positions) assert len(positions.shape) == 2 and positions.shape[1] == 3 data = self.get_cube_data(return_density=True) voxel_volume = np.linalg.det(data.voxel_cell) # account for periodic boundaries plengths = [l for p, l in zip(pbc, np.linalg.norm(data.cell, axis=1)) if p] if plengths and radius > min(plengths): raise ValueError( "The radius must be less than the shortest periodic cell vector ({0:.2f})".format( min(plengths) ) ) # TODO this could be made more efficient, e.g. by tessellating according to the quadrant the position is in density = np.tile(data.density, [3 if p else 1 for p in pbc]) offset_positions = positions for i, is_periodic in enumerate(pbc): if is_periodic: offset_positions = offset_positions + np.array(data.cell[i]) # get values and coordinates for each voxel values = np.array([v for (x, y, z), v in np.ndenumerate(density)]) indices = [[x, y, z] for (x, y, z), v in np.ndenumerate(density)] coordinates =, data.voxel_cell) - np.array(data.origin) # get distance squared to each voxel final_values = [] for offset_position in offset_positions: dist_sq = ((coordinates - offset_position) ** 2).sum(1) # TODO integrating voxels that are partially within the sphere? final_values.append(np.sum(values[dist_sq <= (radius ** 2)]) * voxel_volume) return final_values
[docs] def compute_integration_atom(self, indices, radius, pbc=(True, True, True)): """Integrate the density over a sphere. Parameters ---------- indices : int or list[int] radius : float or list[float] radius for all atoms or per cell must be less than the shortest periodic cell vector length pbc : list[bool] periodic dimensions Returns ------- float """ if isinstance(indices, int): indices = [indices] indices = np.array(indices) data = self.get_cube_data(return_density=False) return self.compute_integration_sphere( np.array(data.atoms_positions)[indices], radius=radius, pbc=pbc )