Source code for aiida_crystal17.workflows.crystal_main.base

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019 Chris Sewell
# This file is part of aiida-crystal17.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms and conditions
# of version 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
from aiida import orm
from aiida.common import AttributeDict
from aiida.common.exceptions import InputValidationError
from aiida.engine import (
from import to_aiida_type
from aiida.plugins import CalculationFactory, DataFactory

from aiida_crystal17.common.kpoints import create_kpoints_from_distance
from import BasisSetData

CryCalculation = CalculationFactory("crystal17.main")
CryInputParamsData = DataFactory("crystal17.parameters")

[docs]def _validate_kpoint_distance(float_data, _): if float_data and not float_data.value > 0: raise InputValidationError("kpoints_distance must be greater than 0")
[docs]class CryMainBaseWorkChain(BaseRestartWorkChain): """Workchain to run a standard CRYSTAL17 calculation, with automated error handling and restarts. """ _process_class = CryCalculation _error_handler_entry_point = "aiida_crystal17.workflow_error_handlers.main.base" _calc_namespace = "cry" defaults = AttributeDict({"fmixing": 30, "delta_factor_fmixing": 0.8})
[docs] @classmethod def define(cls, spec: CalcJobProcessSpec): super(CryMainBaseWorkChain, cls).define(spec) spec.expose_inputs(CryCalculation, namespace=cls._calc_namespace, exclude=()) spec.input( "{}.metadata.options.resources".format(cls._calc_namespace), valid_type=dict, required=False, ) spec.input( "basis_family", valid_type=orm.Str, required=False, serializer=to_aiida_type, help=( "An alternative to specifying the basis sets manually: " "one can specify the name of an existing basis set family " "and the work chain will generate the basis sets automatically " "based on the input structure." ), ) spec.input( "kpoints_distance", valid_type=orm.Float, required=False, serializer=to_aiida_type, validator=_validate_kpoint_distance, help=( "The minimum desired distance in 1/Å between k-points " "in reciprocal space. " "The explicit k-points will be generated automatically " "by the input structure, and " "will replace the SHRINK IS value in the input parameters." "Note: This methods assumes " "the PRIMITIVE unit cell is provided" ), ) spec.input( "kpoints_force_parity", valid_type=orm.Bool, required=False, serializer=to_aiida_type, help=( "Optional input when constructing the k-points based " "on a desired `kpoints_distance`. " "Setting this to `True` will force the k-point mesh " "to have an even number of points along each lattice vector " "except for any non-periodic directions." ), ) # TODO include option for symmetry calculation spec.outline( cls.setup, cls.validate_parameters, cls.validate_basis_sets, cls.validate_resources, while_(cls.should_run_process)( cls.prepare_calculation, cls.run_process, cls.inspect_process, ), cls.results, ) spec.expose_outputs(CryCalculation, exclude=("retrieved", "optimisation")) spec.exit_code( 201, "ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_PARAMETERS", message=( "The parameters could not be validated " "against the jsonschema." ), ) spec.exit_code( 202, "ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_BASIS_SETS", message=( "The explicit `basis_sets` or `basis_family` " "could not be used to get the necessary basis sets." ), ) spec.exit_code( 204, "ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_RESOURCES_UNDERSPECIFIED", message=( "The `metadata.options` did not specify both " "`resources.num_machines` and `max_wallclock_seconds`." ), ) spec.exit_code( 300, "ERROR_UNRECOVERABLE_FAILURE", message="The calculation failed with an unrecoverable error.", ) spec.exit_code( 320, "ERROR_INITIALIZATION_CALCULATION_FAILED", message="The initialization calculation failed.", )
[docs] def setup(self): """Call the `setup` of the `BaseRestartWorkChain`, and then create the inputs dictionary in `self.ctx.inputs`. This `self.ctx.inputs` dictionary will be used by the `BaseRestartWorkChain` to submit the calculations in the internal loop. """ super(CryMainBaseWorkChain, self).setup() self.ctx.inputs = AttributeDict( self.exposed_inputs(CryCalculation, self._calc_namespace) ) self.ctx.restart_calc = None self.ctx.use_fort9_restart = False
[docs] def validate_parameters(self): """Validate inputs that might depend on each other and cannot be validated by the spec. Also define dictionary `inputs` in the context, that will contain the inputs for the calculation that will be launched in the `run_calculation` step. """ self.ctx.inputs.parameters = self.ctx.inputs.parameters.get_dict() try: CryInputParamsData.validate_parameters(self.ctx.inputs.parameters) except Exception as exception:"{}".format(exception)) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_PARAMETERS # check if the run is an optimisation and store in context optimise = self.ctx.inputs.parameters.get("geometry", {}).get("optimise", False) self.ctx.is_optimisation = True if optimise else False if "kpoints_distance" in self.inputs: force_parity = self.inputs.get( "kpoints_force_parity", orm.Bool(False) ).value kpoints = create_kpoints_from_distance( self.ctx.inputs.structure, self.inputs.kpoints_distance.value, force_parity, ) # TODO check / deal with non-zero offsets is_value = kpoints.get_kpoints_mesh()[0] isp_value = int(max(is_value) * 2) if is_value[0] == is_value[1] == is_value[2]: is_value = is_value[0] curr_kpoints = list(self.ctx.inputs.parameters["scf"]["k_points"]) if curr_kpoints != [is_value, isp_value]: "changing the intput kpoints ({0}) to the computed kpoints ({1})".format( curr_kpoints, [is_value, isp_value] ) ) self.ctx.inputs.parameters["scf"]["k_points"] = [is_value, isp_value]
[docs] def validate_basis_sets(self): """Validate the inputs related to basis sets. Either the basis sets should be defined explicitly in the `basissets` namespace, or alternatively, a family can be defined in `basis_family` that will be used together with the input `StructureData` to generate the required mapping. """ structure = self.ctx.inputs.structure basissets = self.ctx.inputs.get("basissets", None) basis_family = self.inputs.get("basis_family", None) try: self.ctx.inputs.basissets = BasisSetData.prepare_and_validate_inputs( structure, basissets, basis_family ) except ValueError as exception:"{}".format(exception)) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_BASIS_SETS
[docs] def validate_resources(self): """Validate the inputs related to the resources. One can omit the normally required `options.resources` input for the `PwCalculation`, as long as the input `automatic_parallelization` is specified. If this is not the case, the `metadata.options` should at least contain the options `resources` and `max_wallclock_seconds`, where `resources` should define the `num_machines`. """ num_machines = self.ctx.inputs.metadata.options.get("resources", {}).get( "num_machines", None ) max_wallclock_seconds = self.ctx.inputs.metadata.options.get( "max_wallclock_seconds", None ) if num_machines is None or max_wallclock_seconds is None: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_RESOURCES_UNDERSPECIFIED
[docs] def prepare_calculation(self): """Prepare the inputs for the next calculation. If a `restart_calc` has been set in the context, its `remote_folder` will be used as the `wf_folder` input for the next calculation. """ if self.ctx.restart_calc: self.ctx.inputs.pop("wf_folder", None) if "optimisation" in self.ctx.restart_calc.outputs: # use the last recorded structure of an optimisation self.ctx.inputs.structure = ( self.ctx.restart_calc.outputs.optimisation.get_step_structure( -1, custom_kinds=self.ctx.inputs.structure.kinds ) ) # TODO could also use HESSOPT.DAT if self.ctx.use_fort9_restart: # TODO it would be good to check if the fort.9 is present & non-empty # but should use the exponential-backoff / pause functionality, # to connect to the remote or, at least test for a crystal read failure, # and restart without it the failure looks like: # 'io error\nRead_int_1d', which isn't particularly helpful self.ctx.inputs.wf_folder = self.ctx.restart_calc.outputs.remote_folder self.ctx.use_fort9_restart = False
[docs] def report_error_handled(self, calculation, action): """Report an action taken for a calculation that has failed. This should be called in a registered error handler if its condition is met and an action was taken. :param calculation: the failed calculation node :param action: a string message with the action taken """ arguments = [ calculation.process_label,, calculation.exit_status, calculation.exit_message, ]"{}<{}> failed with exit status {}: {}".format(*arguments))"Action taken: {}".format(action))
[docs] @process_handler(priority=500) def _handle_unrecoverable_failure(self, calculation): """Calculations with an exit status below 400 are unrecoverable, so abort the work chain.""" if (not calculation.is_finished_ok) and calculation.exit_status < 400: self.report_error_handled(calculation, "unrecoverable error, aborting...") return ProcessHandlerReport( True, self.exit_codes.ERROR_UNRECOVERABLE_FAILURE )
[docs] @process_handler( priority=420, exit_codes=CryCalculation.exit_codes.ERROR_OUT_OF_WALLTIME ) def _handle_out_of_walltime(self, calculation): """In the case of `ERROR_OUT_OF_WALLTIME`, restart from the last recorded configuration.""" if not self.ctx.is_optimisation: self.report_error_handled( calculation, "there is currently no restart facility for a killed scf calculation", ) return ProcessHandlerReport( True, self.exit_codes.ERROR_UNRECOVERABLE_FAILURE ) self.ctx.restart_calc = calculation self.ctx.use_fort9_restart = False # the fort.9 is wiped in-between SCF self.report_error_handled( calculation, "simply restart from the last calculation" ) return ProcessHandlerReport(True)
[docs] @process_handler(priority=410, exit_codes=CryCalculation.exit_codes.UNCONVERGED_SCF) def _handle_electronic_convergence_not_achieved(self, calculation): """In the case of `UNCONVERGED_SCF`, decrease the function mixing and restart from the last recorded configuration.""" factor = self.defaults.delta_factor_fmixing fmixing = ( self.ctx.inputs.parameters["scf"] .get("numerical", {}) .get("FMIXING", self.defaults.fmixing) ) fmixing_new = int(fmixing * factor) self.ctx.restart_calc = calculation self.ctx.use_fort9_restart = True self.ctx.inputs.parameters["scf"].setdefault("numerical", {})[ "FMIXING" ] = fmixing_new action = ( "reduced fmixing from {} to {} and restarting from last calculation".format( fmixing, fmixing_new ) ) self.report_error_handled(calculation, action) return ProcessHandlerReport(True)
[docs] @process_handler( priority=400, exit_codes=CryCalculation.exit_codes.UNCONVERGED_GEOMETRY ) def _handle_geometric_convergence_not_achieved(self, calculation): """In the case of `UNCONVERGED_GEOMETRY`, restart from the last recorded configuration. """ self.ctx.restart_calc = calculation self.ctx.use_fort9_restart = True self.report_error_handled( calculation, "simply restart from the last calculation" ) return ProcessHandlerReport(True)