Source code for aiida_crystal17.parsers.raw.parse_fort34

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019 Chris Sewell
# This file is part of aiida-crystal17.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms and conditions
# of version 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
"""This module deals with reading/creating .gui files for use with the EXTERNAL keyword.

File Format


    dimesionality origin_setting crystal_type energy(optional)
        a_x a_y a_z
        b_x b_y b_z
        c_x c_y c_z
    num_symm_ops (in cartesian coordinates)
        op1_rot_00 op1_rot_01 op1_rot_02
        op1_rot_10 op1_rot_11 op1_rot_12
        op1_rot_20 op1_rot_21 op1_rot_22
        op1_trans_0 op1_trans_1 op1_trans_2
    num_atoms (if cryversion<17 irreducible atoms only)
        atomic_number x y z (in cartesian coordinates)
    space_group_int_num num_symm_ops

import numpy as np
import spglib

from aiida_crystal17.symmetry import (

    1: "triclinic",
    2: "monoclinic",
    3: "orthorhombic",
    4: "tetragonal",
    5: "hexagonal",
    6: "cubic",

    "triclinic": 1,
    "monoclinic": 2,
    "orthorhombic": 3,
    "tetragonal": 4,
    "hexagonal": 5,
    "rhombohedral": 5,
    "trigonal": 5,
    "cubic": 6,

    0: (False, False, False),
    1: (True, False, False),
    2: (True, True, False),
    3: (True, True, True),

# primitive to crystallographic, invert for other way round
# relate to: CENTRING CODE x/y, not sure what y relates to?
# see
    1: [[1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000], [0.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000], [0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]],
    2: [
        [1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000],
        [0.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000],
        [0.0000, -1.0000, 1.0000],
    ],  # P_A
    4: [
        [1.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000],
        [-1.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000],
        [0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000],
    ],  # modified P_C
    5: [
        [-1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000],
        [1.0000, -1.0000, 1.0000],
        [1.0000, 1.0000, -1.0000],
    ],  # P_F
    6: [[0, 1.0000, 1.0000], [1.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000], [1.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000]],  # P_I

[docs]def parse_fort34(lines, check_final_line=False): """read CRYSTAL geometry fort.34 (aka .gui) file Parameters ---------- lines: list[str] list of lines in the file check_final_line: bool the final line should contain '<space_group_int_num> <num_symm_ops>', but may also be '0 0' if for example generated by ``EXTPRT`` Returns ------- dict: structure_data dict: symmetry_data Notes ----- OLDER versions of CRYSTAL are not compatible, because they only specify symmetrically inequivalent atomic positions (rather than all) Symmetry operations and atomic positions are assumed to be cartesian (rather than fractional) """ symmetry = {} structdata = {} # TOP LINE init_data = lines[0].split() dimensionality = int(init_data[0]) if dimensionality not in DIMENSIONALITY_MAP: raise ValueError( "dimensionality was not between 0 and 3: {}".format(dimensionality) ) structdata["pbc"] = DIMENSIONALITY_MAP[dimensionality] symmetry["centring_code"] = int(init_data[1]) symmetry["crystal_type_code"] = int(init_data[2]) # LATTICE SECTION structdata["lattice"] = [[float(num) for num in li.split()] for li in lines[1:4]] # SYMMETRY SECTION nsymops = int(lines[4]) symops = [] for i in range(nsymops): symop = [] for j in range(4): line_num = 5 + i * 4 + j values = lines[line_num].split() if not len(values) == 3: raise IOError( "expected symop x, y and z coordinate on line {0}: {1}".format( line_num, lines[line_num] ) ) symop.extend([float(values[0]), float(values[1]), float(values[2])]) symops.append(symop) symmetry["operations"] = symops symmetry["basis"] = "cartesian" # ATOMIC POSITIONS SECTION natoms = int(lines[5 + nsymops * 4]) structdata["atomic_numbers"] = [ int(li.split()[0]) for li in lines[6 + nsymops * 4 : 6 + nsymops * 4 + natoms] ] structdata["ccoords"] = [ [float(num) for num in li.split()[1:4]] for li in lines[6 + nsymops * 4 : 6 + nsymops * 4 + natoms] ] # FINAL LINE final_line = lines[6 + nsymops * 4 + natoms].split() symmetry["space_group"] = int(final_line[0]) num_operations = int(final_line[1]) if check_final_line and num_operations != nsymops: raise AssertionError( "the number of symmetry operations, " "specified in the operation section ({0}) and at the bottom of " "the file ({1}), are inconsistent".format(nsymops, num_operations) ) return structdata, symmetry
[docs]def gui_file_write(structure_data, symmetry_data=None): """Create string of gui file content (for CRYSTAL17). Parameters ---------- structure_data: aiida.StructureData or dict or ase.Atoms dict with keys: 'pbc', 'atomic_numbers', 'ccoords', 'lattice', or ase.Atoms, or any object that has method structure_data.get_ase() symmetry_data: dict or None keys; 'crystal_type_code', 'centring_code', 'space_group', 'operations', 'basis' Returns ------- lines: list[str] list of lines in the file Notes ----- Older versions of CRYSTAL are not compatible, because they only specify symmetrically inequivalent atomic positions (rather than all) Symmetry operations and atomic positions are assumed to be cartesian (rather than fractional) """ structure_dict = convert_structure(structure_data, "dict") dimensionality = sum(structure_dict["pbc"]) atomic_numbers = structure_dict["atomic_numbers"] ccoords = structure_dict["ccoords"] lattice = structure_dict["lattice"] if symmetry_data is None: structure = convert_structure(structure_data, "aiida") symmetry_data = structure_to_symmetry(structure) if isinstance(symmetry_data, dict): crystal_type = symmetry_data["crystal_type_code"] centring_code = symmetry_data["centring_code"] sg_num = symmetry_data["space_group"] symops = symmetry_data["operations"] basis = symmetry_data["basis"] else: # TODO specific test for SymmetryData, and move this to separate function symops = basis = hall_number = symmetry_data.hall_number if hall_number is None: hall_number = get_hall_number_from_symmetry(symops, basis, lattice) crystal_type = get_crystal_type_code(hall_number) centring_code = get_centering_code(hall_number) sg_num = spglib.get_spacegroup_type(hall_number)["number"] if basis == "fractional": symops = operations_frac_to_cart(symops, lattice) else: if basis != "cartesian": raise AssertionError("symmetry basis must be fractional or cartesian") # sort the symmetry operations (useful to standardize for testing) # symops = np.sort(symops, axis=0) num_symops = len(symops) sym_lines = [] for symop in symops: sym_lines.append(symop[0:3]) sym_lines.append(symop[3:6]) sym_lines.append(symop[6:9]) sym_lines.append(symop[9:12]) # for all output numbers, we round to 9 dp and add 0, so we don't get -0.0 geom_str_list = [] geom_str_list.append( "{0} {1} {2}".format(dimensionality, centring_code, crystal_type) ) geom_str_list.append( "{0:17.9E} {1:17.9E} {2:17.9E}".format(*(np.round(lattice[0], 9) + 0.0)) ) geom_str_list.append( "{0:17.9E} {1:17.9E} {2:17.9E}".format(*(np.round(lattice[1], 9) + 0.0)) ) geom_str_list.append( "{0:17.9E} {1:17.9E} {2:17.9E}".format(*(np.round(lattice[2], 9) + 0.0)) ) geom_str_list.append(str(num_symops)) for sym_line in sym_lines: geom_str_list.append( "{0:17.9E} {1:17.9E} {2:17.9E}".format(*(np.round(sym_line, 9) + 0.0)) ) geom_str_list.append(str(len(atomic_numbers))) for anum, coord in zip(atomic_numbers, ccoords): geom_str_list.append( "{0:3} {1:17.9E} {2:17.9E} {3:17.9E}".format( anum, *(np.round(coord, 10) + 0.0) ) ) geom_str_list.append("{0} {1}".format(sg_num, num_symops)) geom_str_list.append("") return geom_str_list
[docs]def structure_to_symmetry( structure, symprec=1e-5, angle_tolerance=None, as_cartesian=False ): """convert a structure data object to a symmetry data dict, Parameters ---------- structure: aiida.StructureData or dict or ase.Atoms symprec=1e-5: float Symmetry search tolerance in the unit of length. angle_tolerance=None: float or None Symmetry search tolerance in the unit of angle degrees. If the value is negative or None, an internally optimized routine is used to judge symmetry. as_cartesian=False: bool if True, convert the (fractional) symmetry operations to cartesian Returns ------- dict keys; 'crystal_type_code', 'centring_code', 'space_group', 'operations', 'basis' """ structure = convert_structure(structure, "aiida") dataset = compute_symmetry_dataset(structure, symprec, angle_tolerance) space_group = dataset["number"] crystal_type_code = get_crystal_type_code(dataset["hall_number"]) crystal_type_name = get_crystal_type_name(dataset["hall_number"]) centring_code = get_centering_code(dataset["hall_number"]) operations = [] basis = "fractional" for rotation, trans in zip(dataset["rotations"], dataset["translations"]): operations.append(rotation.flatten().tolist() + trans.tolist()) if as_cartesian: operations = operations_frac_to_cart(operations, structure.cell) basis = "cartesian" data = { "crystal_type_code": crystal_type_code, "crystal_type_name": crystal_type_name, "centring_code": centring_code, "space_group": space_group, "operations": operations, "basis": basis, } return data
[docs]def get_crystal_type_code(hall_number): """get crystal type code, denoting the crystal system Parameters ---------- hall_number: int Returns ------- crystal_type_code: int """ sg_number = spglib.get_spacegroup_type(hall_number)["number"] crystal_type = get_crystal_system_name(sg_number) return CRYSTAL_TYPE_TO_NUM_MAP[crystal_type]
[docs]def get_crystal_type_name(hall_number): """get crystal type code, denoting the crystal system Parameters ---------- hall_number: int Returns ------- crystal_type_name: str """ sg_number = spglib.get_spacegroup_type(hall_number)["number"] return get_crystal_system_name(sg_number)
[docs]def get_centering_code(hall_number): """get crystal centering codes, to convert from primitive to conventional Parameters ---------- hall_number: int Returns ------- centering_code: int """ sg_data = spglib.get_spacegroup_type(hall_number) sg_symbol = sg_data["international"] lattice_type = get_lattice_type_name(sg_data["number"]) crystal_type = get_crystal_system_name(sg_data["number"]) if "P" in sg_symbol or lattice_type == "hexagonal": return 1 elif lattice_type == "rhombohedral": # can also be P_R (if a_length == c_length in conventional cell), # but crystal doesn't appear to use that anyway return 1 elif "I" in sg_symbol: return 6 elif "F" in sg_symbol: return 5 elif "C" in sg_symbol: if crystal_type == "monoclinic": return 4 # TODO this is P_C but don't know what code it is, maybe 3? # [[1.0, -1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]] return 4 # elif "A" in sg_symbol: # return 2 # TODO check this is always correct (not in original function) return 1