Source code for aiida_crystal17.parsers.raw.inputd12_read

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019 Chris Sewell
# This file is part of aiida-crystal17.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms and conditions
# of version 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
module for reading main.d12 (for immigration)
import numpy as np

from aiida_crystal17.common import get_keys, unflatten_dict
from aiida_crystal17.validation import load_schema, validate_against_schema

[docs]def _pop_line(lines, num=1): """extract the first line(s)""" for _ in range(num): pline = lines.pop(0) return pline.strip()
[docs]def _append_key(dct, key, value): """create a list or append to existing""" newval = dct.get(key, []) newval.append(value) dct[key] = newval
[docs]def _split_line(line): """split a line into a list of integers and/or floats""" out = [] for val in line.split(): try: val = int(val) except ValueError: val = float(val) out.append(val) if not out: raise ValueError("blank line") if len(out) == 1: out = out[0] return out
[docs]def _get_atom_prop(lines, ptype): """extract atoms""" line = _pop_line(lines) natoms = int(line) line = _pop_line(lines) vals = [int(i) for i in line.split()] if ptype in ["ghosts", "fragment"]: while len(vals) != natoms: line = _pop_line(lines) vals.extend([int(j) for j in line.split()]) return vals, line elif ptype == "atomspin": while len(vals) / 2 != natoms: line = _pop_line(lines) vals.extend([int(j) for j in line.split()]) vals = np.reshape(vals, (natoms, 2)) return ( vals[vals[:, 1] == 1][:, 0].tolist(), vals[vals[:, 1] == -1][:, 0].tolist(), ), line else: raise ValueError("ptype: {}".format(ptype))
[docs]def extract_data(input_string): """extract data from a main.d12 CRYSTAL17 file - Any geometry creation commands are ignored - Basis sets must be included explicitly (no keywords) and are read into the basis_sets list - FRAGMENT, GHOSTS and ATOMSPIN commands are read into the atom_props dict - Otherwise, only commands contained in the inputd12.schema.json are allowed :param input_string: a string if the content of the file :returns param_dict: the parameter dict for use in ``crystal17.main`` calculation :returns basis_sets: a list of the basis sets :returns atom_props: a dictionary of atom specific values (spin_alpha, spin_beta, ghosts, fragment) """ lines = input_string.splitlines() schema = load_schema("inputd12.schema.json") output_dict = {} basis_sets = [] atom_props = {} output_dict["title"] = _pop_line(lines) _read_geom_block(lines, output_dict, schema) line = _pop_line(lines) if line == "OPTGEOM": line = _read_geomopt_block(atom_props, line, lines, output_dict, schema) if line == "BASISSET": raise NotImplementedError("key word basis set input (BASISSET)") if not line == "END": raise IOError("expecting end of geom block: {}".format(line)) _read_basis_block(atom_props, basis_sets, lines, output_dict, schema) line = _pop_line(lines) _read_hamiltonian_block(atom_props, lines, output_dict, schema) output_dict = unflatten_dict(output_dict) validate_against_schema(output_dict, "inputd12.schema.json") return output_dict, basis_sets, atom_props
[docs]def _read_hamiltonian_block(atom_props, lines, output_dict, schema): sblock = ["properties", "scf", "properties"] while lines[0].strip() != "END": line = _pop_line(lines) if line == "DFT": _read_dft_block(lines, output_dict, schema) line = _pop_line(lines) # TODO read DFTD3 block elif line == "SHRINK": line = _pop_line(lines) try: kis, kisp = line.split() kis = int(kis) kisp = int(kisp) except ValueError: raise IOError("expecting SHRINK in form 'is isp': {}".format(line)) output_dict["scf.k_points"] = (kis, kisp) elif line in get_keys(schema, sblock + ["single", "enum"], raise_error=True): output_dict["scf.single"] = line elif ( line in get_keys( schema, sblock + ["numerical", "properties"], raise_error=True ).keys() ): key = line if ( get_keys( schema, sblock + ["numerical", "properties", key, "type"], raise_error=True, ) == "boolean" ): output_dict["scf.numerical.{}".format(key)] = True else: line = _pop_line(lines) output_dict["scf.numerical.{}".format(key)] = _split_line(line) elif line in get_keys( schema, sblock + ["post_scf", "items", "enum"], raise_error=True ): _append_key(output_dict, "scf.post_scf", line) elif ( line in get_keys( schema, sblock + ["spinlock", "properties"], raise_error=True ).keys() ): key = line line = _pop_line(lines) output_dict["scf.spinlock.{}".format(key)] = _split_line(line) elif line in get_keys( schema, sblock + ["fock_mixing", "oneOf", 0, "enum"], raise_error=True ): output_dict["scf.fock_mixing"] = line elif line == "BROYDEN": line = _pop_line(lines) output_dict["scf.fock_mixing.BROYDEN"] = _split_line(line) elif line == "ATOMSPIN": val, line = _get_atom_prop(lines, "atomspin") atom_props["spin_alpha"] = val[0] atom_props["spin_beta"] = val[1] else: raise NotImplementedError("Hamiltonian Block: {}".format(line))
[docs]def _read_dft_block(lines, output_dict, schema): correlat = None exchange = None while lines[0].strip() != "END": line = _pop_line(lines) if line == "SPIN": output_dict["scf.dft.SPIN"] = True elif line in get_keys( schema, [ "properties", "scf", "properties", "dft", "properties", "xc", "oneOf", 1, "enum", ], raise_error=True, ): output_dict["scf.dft.xc"] = line elif line == "CORRELAT": line = _pop_line(lines) correlat = line elif line == "EXCHANGE": line = _pop_line(lines) exchange = line elif line == "LSRSH-PBE": line = _pop_line(lines) output_dict["scf.dft.xc.LSRSH-PBE"] = _split_line(line) elif line in get_keys( schema, ["properties", "scf", "properties", "dft", "properties", "grid", "enum"], raise_error=True, ): output_dict["scf.dft.grid"] = line elif line in get_keys( schema, [ "properties", "scf", "properties", "dft", "properties", "grid_weights", "enum", ], raise_error=True, ): output_dict["scf.dft.grid_weights"] = line elif ( line in get_keys( schema, [ "properties", "scf", "properties", "dft", "properties", "numerical", "properties", ], raise_error=True, ).keys() ): key = line line = _pop_line(lines) output_dict["scf.dft.numerical.{}".format(key)] = _split_line(line) else: raise NotImplementedError("DFT Block: {}".format(line)) if (correlat, exchange) != (None, None): if None in (correlat, exchange): raise IOError( "found only one of CORRELAT EXCHANGE: {} {}".format(correlat, exchange) ) output_dict["scf.dft.xc"] = (exchange, correlat)
[docs]def _read_basis_block(atom_props, basis_sets, lines, output_dict, schema): basis_lines = [] while not lines[0].startswith("99 "): line = _pop_line(lines) basis_lines.append(line) try: anum, nshells = line.split() # pylint: disable=unused-variable nshells = int(nshells) except ValueError: raise IOError("expected 'anum nshells': {}".format(line)) for i in range(nshells): line = _pop_line(lines) basis_lines.append(line) try: btype, stype, nfuncs, _, _ = line.split() btype, stype, nfuncs = [int(i) for i in [btype, stype, nfuncs]] # charge, scale = [float(i) for i in [charge, scale]] except ValueError: raise IOError( "expected 'btype, stype, nfuncs, charge, scale': {}".format(line) ) if btype == 0: for _ in range(nfuncs): line = _pop_line(lines) basis_lines.append(line) basis_sets.append("\n".join(basis_lines)) basis_lines = [] line = _pop_line(lines) while lines[0].strip() != "END": line = _pop_line(lines) if ( line in get_keys( schema, ["properties", "basis_set", "properties"], raise_error=True ).keys() ): output_dict["basis_set.{}".format(line)] = True elif line == "GHOSTS": val, line = _get_atom_prop(lines, "ghosts") atom_props["ghosts"] = val else: raise NotImplementedError("Basis Set Block: {}".format(line))
[docs]def _read_geomopt_block(atom_props, line, lines, output_dict, schema): if lines[0].strip().startswith("END"): output_dict["geometry.optimise"] = True while not lines[0].strip().startswith("END"): line = _pop_line(lines) opt_keys = ["properties", "geometry", "properties", "optimise", "properties"] if line in ["EXTPRESS"]: raise NotImplementedError("GeomOpt Block: {}".format(line)) elif line in get_keys(schema, opt_keys + ["type", "enum"], raise_error=True): output_dict["geometry.optimise.type"] = line elif line in get_keys(schema, opt_keys + ["hessian", "enum"], raise_error=True): output_dict["geometry.optimise.hessian"] = line elif line in get_keys( schema, opt_keys + ["gradient", "enum"], raise_error=True ): output_dict["geometry.optimise.gradient"] = line elif line in get_keys( schema, opt_keys + ["info_print", "items", "enum"], raise_error=True ): _append_key(output_dict, "geometry.optimise.info_print", line) elif ( line in get_keys( schema, opt_keys + ["convergence", "properties"], raise_error=True ).keys() ): key = "geometry.optimise.convergence.{}".format(line) line = _pop_line(lines) try: output_dict[key] = int(line) except ValueError: output_dict[key] = float(line) elif line == "FRAGMENT": val, line = _get_atom_prop(lines, "fragment") atom_props["fragment"] = val else: raise NotImplementedError("OPTGEOM block: {}".format(line)) line = _pop_line(lines, 2) return line
[docs]def _read_geom_block(lines, output_dict, schema): while lines[0].strip() not in ["OPTGEOM", "END"]: line = _pop_line(lines) if line in [ "FIELD", "FIELDCON", "CPHF", "ELASTCON", "EOS", "FREQCALC", "ANHARM", "CONFCNT", "CONFRAND", "RUNCONFS", "MOLEBSSE", "ATOMBSSE", ]: raise NotImplementedError("Geometry Block: {}".format(line)) elif line in get_keys( schema, ["properties", "geometry", "properties", "info_print", "items", "enum"], raise_error=True, ): _append_key(output_dict, "geometry.info_print", line) elif line in get_keys( schema, ["properties", "geometry", "properties", "info_external", "items", "enum"], raise_error=True, ): _append_key(output_dict, "geometry.info_external", line) elif line == "ROTCRY": line = _pop_line(lines) if line == "AUTO": output_dict["geometry.ROTCRY"] = None elif line == "ANGROT": line = _pop_line(lines) output_dict["geometry.ROTCRY"] = _split_line(line) elif line == "MATROT": output_dict["geometry.ROTCRY"] = [ _split_line(_pop_line(lines)) for _ in range(3) ] else: raise IOError( "After ROTCRY, expected one of AUTO, ANGROT, MATROT: {}".format( line ) )