Source code for aiida_crystal17.calcfunctions.band_gap

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019 Chris Sewell
# This file is part of aiida-crystal17.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms and conditions
# of version 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
from collections import namedtuple
import traceback

from aiida.engine import ExitCode, calcfunction
from aiida.orm import ArrayData, Dict, Float, List
import numpy as np

BandResult = namedtuple(
    "BandResult", ["fermi", "left_edge", "right_edge", "non_zero_fermi"]

[docs]def calculate_band_gap( energies, densities, fermi=0, dtol=1e-8, try_fshifts=(), missing_edge=None ): """calculate the band gap, given an energy vs density plot Parameters ---------- energies : list[float] densities : list[float] fermi : float dtol : float tolerance for checking if density is zero try_fshifts : tuple[float] if the density at the fermi energy is non-zero, try shifting the fermi energy by these values, until a non-zero density is found. Useful for dealing with band edges at the fermi energy missing_edge : object the value to return if an edge cannot be determind Returns ------- BandResult """ energies = np.array(energies, float) densities = np.abs(np.array(densities, float)) if not len(energies) == len(densities): raise AssertionError( "the energies and densities arrays are of different lengths" ) if not fermi < energies.max(): raise AssertionError("the energies range does not contain the fermi energy") if not fermi > energies.min(): raise AssertionError("the energies range does not contain the fermi energy") # sort energies order = np.argsort(energies) energies = energies[order] densities = densities[order] # find index closest to fermi fermi_idx = (np.abs(energies - fermi)).argmin() # check density isn't non-zero at fermi fermi_non_zero = densities[fermi_idx] > 0 + dtol # if the density at the fermi is non-zero, try shifting the fermi # (useful to deal with band edges at the fermi) for fshift in try_fshifts: if not fermi_non_zero: break new_index = np.abs(energies - (fermi + fshift)).argmin() if densities[new_index] <= 0 + dtol: fermi_non_zero = False fermi_idx = new_index if fermi_non_zero: return BandResult(energies[fermi_idx], missing_edge, missing_edge, True) # find left edge found_left = False for left_idx in reversed(range(0, fermi_idx + 1)): if densities[left_idx] > 0 + dtol: found_left = True break # find right edge found_right = False for right_idx in range(fermi_idx, len(densities)): if densities[right_idx] > 0 + dtol: found_right = True break return BandResult( energies[fermi_idx], energies[left_idx] if found_left else missing_edge, energies[right_idx] if found_right else missing_edge, False, )
[docs]@calcfunction def calcfunction_band_gap(doss_results, doss_array, dtol=None, try_fshifts=None): """calculate the band gap, given DoS data computed by CryDossCalculation Parameters ---------- doss_array : aiida.orm.ArrayData dtol : aiida.orm.Float tolerance for checking if density is zero try_fshifts : aiida.orm.List if the density at the fermi energy is non-zero, try shifting the fermi energy by these values, until a non-zero density is found. Useful for dealing with band edges at the fermi energy """ if not isinstance(doss_results, Dict): return ExitCode( 101, "doss_results is not of type `aiida.orm.Dict`: {}".format(doss_results) ) if "fermi_energy" not in doss_results.get_dict(): return ExitCode(102, "`fermi_energy` not in doss_results") if "energy" not in doss_results.get_dict().get("units", {}): return ExitCode(102, "`energy units` not in doss_results") if not isinstance(doss_array, ArrayData): return ExitCode( 103, "doss_array is not of type `aiida.orm.ArrayData`: {}".format(doss_array), ) kwargs = {} kwargs["fermi"] = doss_results.get_dict()["fermi_energy"] if dtol is not None: if not isinstance(dtol, Float): return ExitCode( 104, "dtol is not of type `aiida.orm.Float`: {}".format(dtol) ) kwargs["dtol"] = dtol.value if try_fshifts is not None: if not isinstance(try_fshifts, List): return ExitCode( 105, "try_fshifts is not of type `aiida.orm.List`: {}".format(try_fshifts), ) kwargs["try_fshifts"] = try_fshifts.get_list() array_names = doss_array.get_arraynames() if "energies" not in array_names: return ExitCode( 111, "doss_array does not contain array `energies`: {}".format(doss_array) ) if "total" in array_names: if "total_alpha" in array_names and "total_beta" in array_names: return ExitCode( 112, ( "doss_array does not contains both array `total` and " "`total_alpha`, `total_beta`: {}".format(doss_array) ), ) elif "total_alpha" in array_names and "total_beta" in array_names: if "total" in array_names: return ExitCode( 112, ( "doss_array does not contains both array `total` and " "`total_alpha`, `total_beta`: {}".format(doss_array) ), ) else: return ExitCode( 113, "doss_array does not contain array `total` or `total_alpha` and `total_beta`: {}".format( doss_array ), ) if "total" in array_names: calcs = {"total": doss_array.get_array("total")} else: alpha_density = doss_array.get_array("total_alpha") beta_density = doss_array.get_array("total_beta") total_density = np.abs(alpha_density) + np.abs(beta_density) calcs = {"alpha": alpha_density, "beta": beta_density, "total": total_density} final_dict = {"energy_units": doss_results.get_dict()["units"]["energy"]} for name, density in calcs.items(): try: result = calculate_band_gap( doss_array.get_array("energies"), density, **kwargs ) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() return ExitCode(201, "calculate_band_gap failed") if result.non_zero_fermi: bandgap = 0.0 elif result.left_edge is None or result.right_edge is None: bandgap = None else: bandgap = result.right_edge - result.left_edge final_dict.update( { name + "_fermi": result.fermi, name + "_left_edge": result.left_edge, name + "_right_edge": result.right_edge, name + "_zero_fermi": not result.non_zero_fermi, name + "_bandgap": bandgap, } ) return {"results": Dict(dict=final_dict)}